Public alpha 139
- syntactic sugar for empty attribute set in object constructor
- changed reporting of syntax errors in sort and subset declarations
- fixed bug where automatic imports were included in meta-theories
- getClass() added to CONFIGURATION
- allow "from" as a sort name
- fixed spurious advisory where a specific renaming did not capture an operator from a parameter
- identity sort/op mappings quietly dropped during renaming canonicalization
- advisory if all the variables in the pattern of a := condition fragment are bound before matching
- fixed bug where advisory about a specific strat renaming affecting a theory parameter printed 0 rather than the strat name
- prettier printing of , for attribute sets
- first attempt at supporting omods and OO mappings in renamings
- fixed bug where a view from T importing M to M was not allowed
- fixed a related bug where a misleading warning was given for theory-views that implicitly mapped a sort from module to the target theory