This is Forex Service will be used in the T24 Programming Series.
package io.mathisi;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Forex forex = new Forex();
double amountInLcy = 2349.45;
String fcy1 = "USD";
String fcy2 = "RUB";
String fcy3 = "RWF";
String param1 = fcy1 + "]" + amountInLcy; // "USD]2349.45"
double amountInUSD = forex.calculate(param1);
String param2 = fcy2 + "]" + amountInLcy; // "RUB]2349.45"
double amountInRUB = forex.calculate(param2);
String param3 = fcy3 + "]" + amountInLcy; // "RWF]2349.45"
double amountInRWF = forex.calculate(param3);
System.out.println("EUR " + amountInLcy + " = USD "+ amountInUSD); //EUR 2349.45 = USD 2769.3
System.out.println("EUR " + amountInLcy + " = RUB "+ amountInRUB); //EUR 2349.45 = RUB 211409.38
System.out.println("EUR " + amountInLcy + " = RWF "+ amountInRWF); //EUR 2349.45 = RWF 2472796.13
0001 PROGRAM TestCallJ
0003 class_name = "io.mathisi.Forex"
0004 method_name = "calculate"
0005 param = "USD]2349.45"
0007 CALLJ class_name, method_name, param SETTING amount_fcy ON ERROR
0008 err = SYSTEM(0)
0009 CRT err
0011 END
0012 CRT @(-1)
0013 CRT "EUR 2349.45 = USD ": amount_fcy ;* EUR 2349.45 = USD 2769.3
0015 END