An Ansible role that installs the slurm workload manager on Ubuntu (tested on 16.04, 18.04 and 20.04).
Note: This role configures the machine on which slurm is running to also be the compute node (it thus contains e.g. some autodetection capability around #CPUs on the machine it is being run on). So far the role is not yet designed to set up a compute cluster with multiple nodes, for this see e.g. tools like
The role:
- Installs the slurm packages
- Sets up the slurm configuration (
) to dynamically use the correct platform resources (hostname, #CPUs, etc), configuring one node (named$HOSTNAME
) and one partition (namedslurm_partition_name
). - Adds a
script and start-up service to automate the initiation of correct platform resources (required if creating a VM image where instances may have different resources) - Starts the slurm services.
To check the services are running (assuming systemd in use):
$ systemctl --type=service
slurmctld.service loaded active running Slurm controller daemon
slurmd.service loaded active running Slurm node daemon
To check the slurm node/partition:
$ scontrol show node
$ scontrol show partition
This should match the resources given in lscpu
To enable/disable the slurm-resources
start up service:
$ systemctl enable slurm-resources
To alter the resources configuration of slurm directly, you can use e.g.:
$ slurm-resources -e restart_on_change=true -e slurm_max_cpus=2
This will update the resources defined for the node, set the maximum CPUs for the partition to 2 (independent of the CPUs available on the node), and restart the slurm services with the updated configuration (if the configuration has changed).
ansible-galaxy install marvel-nccr.slurm
See defaults/main.yml
- hosts: servers
- role: marvel-nccr.slurm
This role uses Molecule and Docker for tests.
After installing Docker:
Clone the repository into a package named marvel-nccr.slurm
(the folder must be named the same as the Ansible Galaxy name)
git clone marvel-nccr.slurm
cd marvel-nccr.slurm
Then run:
pip install -r requirements.txt # Installs molecule
molecule test # runs tests
or use tox (see tox.ini
pip install tox
Code style is formatted and linted with pre-commit.
pip install pre-commit
pre-commit run -all
Deployment to Ansible Galaxy is automated via GitHub Actions.
Simply tag a release vX.Y.Z
to initiate the CI and release workflow.
Note, the release will only complete if the CI tests pass.
Please direct inquiries regarding Quantum Mobile and associated ansible roles to the AiiDA mailinglist.