This is the repo for the downloadable version of The script is basically an engine to generate any sort of random data in any format. It currently comes with 30 or so Data Types (types of data it generates), plus 8 Export Types (formats for the data), but it can be extended in any way you want. Check out the developer documentation for that.
Generally the trunk is pretty stable, but it's never guaranteed. If you're downloading the code, I'd suggest getting the most recent tag:
- PHP 5.3 or later
- MySQL 4.1.3 or later
For installation instructions, user and developer documentation, check out:
Installation is really, really simple. I deliberately wrote the script to be as self-contained as possible and not require additional PHP/Server configuration when setting it up. That said, it does require PHP 5.3.0 or later. See the documentation for more info.
Check out Maxime Visonneau's repo for a Docker packaged version of this script. Thanks Maxime!
There's also a pre-packaged Vagrant solution found here, courtesy of Daragh Courtney.
Test coverage is pretty weak right now! I'm in the midst of adding phpunit tests and integrating it with Travis, but it's going to be a little hairy for a while just yet.
Please see the issues tagges as [feature requests] ( for a list of things that are still left to complete on this project. Help is always welcome!
This script is freely available under the GPL 3 license. See license.txt in the root folder. Please note that all contributors agree that all code is released under this license.
In addition to the many folks who submit bug reports, a big thanks to the following for their help extending the script:
- Daragh Courtney - Data Generator Vagrant repo
- Zhao Yang - Chinese language file (3.1.4)
- Anton Nizhegorodov - Batch size SQL export option (3.1.3)
- Zeeshan Shaikh - PAN, PIN, CVV, Track 1 and 2 Data Types (3.1.1)
- Ap.Mathu - SQL Export Type updates (INSERT IGNORE)
- Manu Ullas - compression option for downloads (3.0.9)
- rsicher1 - credit card Data Type (3.0.9)
- Joeri Noort - IBAN numbers (3.0.8)
- Michel Roca - Full and correct French translation (3.0.7)
- Marco Corona - LDIF Export Type added (3.0.7)
- Andre Fortin - original Costa Rica Country plugin & Phone-Regional Data Type (3.0.6)
- Marcello Verona - Italy Country plugin (3.0.4)
- Roberto Aragón, Charo Baena - Spanish translation & Country plugin (3.0.2)
- Kent Chenery - MS SQL plugin (3.0.1)
3.2.0 - Jan 29, 2015
- Adds a new REST API as an alternative way to generate data. See the API Documentation for more information.
3.1.4 - Sept 6, 2014
- Chinese language file added, thanks to Zhao Yang
- PAN, Track 1 and Track 2 data type updates, courtesy of Zeeshan Shaikh
- Turkey Country plugin added
- Bug fixes:
3.1.3 - July 20, 2014
- Misc data generation efficiency improvements
- Batch Size SQL export option added by Anton Nizhegorodov
- Poland, Nigeria Country plugins added
- Bug fixes:
3.1.2 - July 12, 2014
3.1.1 - Jan 31, 2014
- New credit card data types: PAN, PIN, CVV, Track 1 and Track 2 courtesy of Zeeshan Shaikh
- INSERT IGNORE option added to the SQL Export Type, thanks to Ap.Mathu
- Bug fixes:
3.1.0 - Dec 19, 2013
- Bug fix for accidental short-tags that were introduced in earlier code
3.0.9 - Dec 11, 2013
- Compression option added to reduce download sizes, courtesy of Manu Ullas - thanks!
- New credit card Data Type, thanks to rsicher1
- You can now make copies of Data Sets, via the main dialog window. Just check a single row and click "Copy Data Set" button.
- CodeMirror updated to v3.2.0
- Bug fixes:
3.0.8 - Oct 28, 2013
- International Bank Numbers - thanks, Joeri Noort!
- PostgreSQL database support added to SQL Export Type
- Bug fixes:
3.0.7 - Sept 7, 2013
- LDIF Export Type support - thanks, Marco Corona!
- Proper (genuine!) French translation courtesy of Michel Roca
- Optional JS, CSS minimization and bundling via Grunt. See help documentation for more information:
- PHP 5.5 compatibility fixes: database connection now with mysqli; Generator class renamed to DataGenerator due to naming conflict
- Bug fixes:
3.0.6 - Aug 1, 2013
- Costa Rica Country plugin, Phone-Regional Data Type added, courtesy of Andre Fortin
- bug fixes, see:
3.0.5 - July 13, 2013
- Currency Data Type added
- Assorted bug fixes, see:
3.0.4 - July 2nd, 2013
- Italy Export Type, courtesy of Marcello Verona
- Regional Names Data Type added, data for Italy and France from Marcello Verona
3.0.3 - June 23, 2013
- Bug fixes. See:
3.0.2 - June 12, 2013
- Spanish translation and Country plugin added (thanks, @robarago!)
- bug fixes, other updates:
3.0.1 - June 1st, 2013
- MSSQL support added (thanks, Kent!)
- Assorted bug fixes / updates. See:
3.0.0 - May 21st, 2013
- Initial release
Ben Keen @vancouverben