A Android library for reading/writing/manipulating EPUB files, with improvements based on epublib. and epub4j
Comparing to the original epublib and epub4j, we contains the following changes:
- Switched to Android library only work in Android.
- Removed the dependency of kxml2,not need for Android.
- Add support of EPUB 3.x.
Upgrade jzlib to last version.Just use JDK for ZIP.
EpubReader reader = new EpubReader();
InputStream in = getAssets().open(name);
//InputStream in= new FileInputStream(new File(filepath));
Book book = reader.readEpub(in);
String epubVersion=book.getVersion()
Metadata metadata = book.getMetadata();
String bookInfo = "作者:"+metadata.getAuthors()+
"\n出版时间:" +metadata.getDates()+
List<Resource> spineReferences = book.getTableOfContents().getAllUniqueResources();
for(Resource sp:spineReferences){
List<TOCReference> tocReferences =book.getTableOfContents().getTocReferences();
for (TOCReference top:tocReferences){
Resource topres= top.getResource();
if (top.getChildren().size()>0){
for (TOCReference child:top.getChildren()){
Resource childres= child.getResource();