Webpack loader to load po file and convert them to polyglot json format readme
$ npm install -g polyglot-po-loader
# or
$ yarn global add polyglot-po-loader
Add the csv-loader to your webpack configuration:
const config = {
module: {
rules: [{
test: /\.po$/,
loader: 'polyglot-po-loader',
You will need react-app-rewired to add the loader into the webpack-config.
With react-app-rewired, you can edit the webpack config inside the config-overrides.js
There is a gotcha though, the create-react-app default webpack configuration possess a catch all file-loader
For polyglot-po-loader to properly work, you need to pass it before this loader, like so:
// config-overrides.js
const path = require('path');
module.exports = config => {
const lastLoader = config.module.rules.pop();
test: /\.po$/,
use: [{
loader: 'polyglot-po-loader',
return config;