Script for Enhanced NAMP Network Reports
- Scans 1280 IP in ~314 sec. (top 3280 Ports) and all Ports in ~3580 sec. over WAN
- generate a html Output
- SSL Check wir namp NSA Scripts
- nmap-xml tp csv parser
Supported OS:
- Linux
- Windows
Tested OS:
- Fedora 20
- Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
Usage: [options] IP-Addresses
Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -w, --wan Scan over Internet -a, --all scan for all ports -s, --ssl mix of SSL checks -v Schwafelmodus --ext DNS, OS and Version detection --PU UDP host detection --sU UDP service scan --ho Host only detection --customcommand Custom nmap parameter --customport Custom Ports to scan