A throwaway Jenkins server in a Maven build
When all you have is Maven everything looks like a lifecycle phase or goal.
Admittedly this could so easily have been a Vagrantfile, Docker image or some Gradle cleverness but I wanted something quick and dirty to mess around with Jenkins.
So I chose a Maven WAR overlay of Jenkins.
I tend to run it using:
mvn tomcat7:run-war
This surfaces Jenkins running at: http://localhost:8080/jenkins
The JENKINS_HOME location is ~/target/jenkins_home (so a mvn clean
will get rid of it).
After the initial run I tend to edit ~/target/jenkins_home/config.xml to specify <useSecurity>false</useSecurity>.
I've primed this one with the Job DSL, text-finder and repository-connector plugins because they are currently of interest to me, other than that - it is just a disposable Jenkins installation.