Clone/Download this repo.
Buildspec (/buildspec.yml): CodeBuild will use this to first install TypeScript, install dependencies, build the project, run tests, then copy the required files (artifacts) to the ElasticBeanstalk instances.
You can modifiy the steps in this file, however the indentation is very important.
You can read more details on the buildspec file here.
create new application
Create new environment
- Web server environment
- Platform: Node.js
- Create Pipeline
- Source Provider: GitHub
- Select Repo/Branch
- Use GitHub webhooks
- Source Provider: GitHub
- Build provider: AWS CodeBuild
- Create project
- OS: Ubuntu
- Runtime: Standard
- Image: 4.0
- Buildspec: Use a buildspec file Deploy provider: AWS Elastic Beanstalk
- Application and Environment name: (Select options created in step 1)
- Create project
AWS CodePipeline will now begin using the specified repo/branch