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an approachable 60%-like keymap for the lily58


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fluffy58 v2

an approachable 60%-like QMK keymap for the Lily58 Pro RE

using the keymap

there are three layers: default (qwerty), lower and adjust.
see layout for a visual representation of the keymap.

  1. default (qwerty) layer

    this is the default layer, which is active when no other layer is active.

    to access the other layers, you need to hold down the LOWER key.

  2. lower layer

    gives acess to variations of keys unable to fit in the default layer.

    • numbers 1-8 turn into function keys 1-8.
    • number 9 turns into {. (using ( as a mnemonic - remember the bracket!)
    • number 0 turns into }. (using ) as a mnemonic - remember the bracket!)
    • backspace turns into delete.
    • key / turns into \. (using / as a mnemonic - remember the line!)

    access the layer by holding the LOWER key.

  3. adjust layer

    gives access to all function keys, arrow keys, MENU key, caps lock, mouse control, controller reset and numpad.

    access the layer by holding LOWER + ADJUST. (the ADJUST key is only accessible in the lower layer.)

    you can toggle the layer on by double tapping ADJUST, while holding down LOWER. if toggled, you can exit the layer by pressing ESC.


default (qwerty) layer

,-----------------------------------------.                    ,-----------------------------------------.
|  `   |   1  |   2  |   3  |   4  |   5  |                    |   6  |   7  |   8  |   9  |   0  | Bspc |
|------+------+------+------+------+------|                    |------+------+------+------+------+------|
| Tab  |   Q  |   W  |   E  |   R  |   T  |                    |   Y  |   U  |   I  |   O  |   P  |  =   |
|------+------+------+------+------+------|                    |------+------+------+------+------+------|
|LShift|   A  |   S  |   D  |   F  |   G  |-------.    ,-------|   H  |   J  |   K  |   L  |   ;  |  -   |
|------+------+------+------+------+------|       |    |       |------+------+------+------+------+------|
|LCTRL |   Z  |   X  |   C  |   V  |   B  |-------|    |-------|   N  |   M  |   ,  |   .  |   /  |  '  |
`-----------------------------------------/       /     \      \-----------------------------------------'
                  |LOWER | LGUI | LAlt | /Space  /       \Space \  |Enter | RAlt |LOWER |
                  |      |      |      |/       /         \      \ |      |      |      |
                  `----------------------------'           '------''--------------------'

lower layer

,-----------------------------------------.                    ,-----------------------------------------.
| ESC  |  F1  |  F2  |  F3  |  F4  |  F5  |                    |  F6  |  F7  |  F8  |  {   |  }   | DEL  |
|------+------+------+------+------+------|                    |------+------+------+------+------+------|
|      |      |      |      |      |      |                    |      |      |      |      |      |      |
|------+------+------+------+------+------|                    |------+------+------+------+------+------|
|      |      |      |      |      |      |-------.    ,-------|      |      |      |      |      |      |
|------+------+------+------+------+------|       |    |       |------+------+------+------+------+------|
|      |      |      |      |      |      |-------|    |-------|      |      |      |      |  \   |      |
`-----------------------------------------/       /     \      \-----------------------------------------'
                  |      |      |      | /ADJUST /       \ADJUST\  |      |      |      |
                  |      |      |      |/       /         \      \ |      |      |      |
                  `----------------------------'           '------''--------------------'

adjust layer

,-----------------------------------------.                    ,-----------------------------------------.
|QWERTY|  F1  |  F2  |  F3  |  F4  |  F5  |                    |  F6  |  F7  |  F8  |  F9  | F10  |      |
|------+------+------+------+------+------|                    |------+------+------+------+------+------|
| Tab  | F11  | F12  |  M1  | MUp  |  M2  |                    |      |  Up  |      |   7  |   8  |   9  |
|------+------+------+------+------+------|                    |------+------+------+------+------+------|
|CapsLk|LShift|      |MLeft |Mdown |MRight|-------.    ,-------| Left | Down |Right |   4  |   5  |   6  |
|------+------+------+------+------+------| Reset |    | Reset |------+------+------+------+------+------|
|LCTRL |      |      |MAccl0|MAccl1|MAccl3|-------|    |-------|      |      |      |   1  |   2  |   3  |
`-----------------------------------------/       /     \      \-----------------------------------------'
                  | MENU | LGUI | LAlt | /       /       \      \  |Enter | RAlt |   0  |
                  |      |      |      |/       /         \      \ |      |      |      |
                  `----------------------------'           '------''--------------------'

encoder controls

  • left encoder

    • clockwise rotation: scroll wheel down
    • counter-clockwise rotation: scroll wheel up
    • press (adjust layer): reset
  • right encoder

    • clockwise rotation: volume up
    • counter-clockwise rotation: volume down
    • press (adjust layer): reset

make it yours

this keymap is very bare bones, because that's all I need. there's no userspace here.

want underglow? rgb? look around for a config you like and add their respective sections to config.h, keymap.c and


you will need qmk-cli.

  1. clone the repository if you haven't yet:

    git clone --recurse-submodules
  2. build!

    make build

    nix/devbox users can use devbox to build the keymap:

    devbox run make



while one of the sides is powered, at any point do not plug in or out the TRRS cable! doing so might cause an irreversible electric fault.

either build a .hex file yourself or grab one from the releases page.

flash one side at a time, separately and NOT connected to each other.

for more information on flashing in general, see

using QMK Toolbox

  1. open QMK Toolbox., select the .hex file you want to flash and enable auto-flash.

    QMK Toolbox

  2. get your Lily58 into dfu/bootloader mode:

    • flashing from the fluffy58 keymap:

      press Reset by holding down LOWER +ADJUST, and pressing down any of your two rotary encoders.

    • flashing for the first time/from another keymap without a Reset or similar key:

      on your Lily58, short the RESET holes on the pcb. you can use a pair of tweezers or something similar to do this.

      however, if the RESET holes are not accessible, you can directly short the RESET and GND pins on your controller. see your controller's pinouts for this.

      your controller should now enter DFU mode, shortly after which QMK Toolbox will recognise your controller and flash the hex file.

  3. et voilà! you're done. repeat for the other side.

from the command-line


windows users: use the QMK WSL2 distro.

  1. clone the repository:

    git clone --recurse-submodules
  2. flash the left side:

    make BOOTLOADER=avrdude flashl
  3. flash the right side:

    make BOOTLOADER=avrdude flashr


  • change BOOTLOADER=avrdude if necessary, however is not needed and can be omitted if using avrdude.
  • make flash will not flash with a -bl $(BOOTLOADER)-split-left/right argument
  • optionally run make clean if you want to tidy up the repository


an approachable 60%-like keymap for the lily58




GPL-3.0, GPL-2.0 licenses found

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