Shell scripts to assist downloading & processing the Google Books n-grams v2 datasets:
./ 3
Will download the complete English Google Books trigrams corpus sequentially and output bzip'ed tab separated files named 3gram-??.csv.bz2
. The file contents will be of the form:
Abundant supplies of 1276
Abundant supplies were 111
Abundant supply of 540
Abundant testimony exists 43
- Each n-gram precedes a TAB character
- The value following TAB is the match count (instance count) of each n-gram summed across all years. (The page count and volume count values in the corpus are discarded)
- The output file is sorted by the n-gram's ASCII value
- Only n-grams matching the pattern defined in
will be included, all others will be discarded. The hard-coded pattern is all n-grams matching[A-Za-z' ]+
, i.e. only terms containing alphabetical characters and the apostrophe character. You may wish to modify this pattern to, e.g. include accented characters or numerals.
N-grams may be downloaded in parallel using GNU parallel:
Use the -p
option to enable parallel processing, for example:
./ -p 4 5
Will download and process all 5-grams in parallel, with a maximum concurrency of 4 simultaneous downloads.
To download a subset of the corpus:
./ 3 a b c
Will download only trigrams beginning with the letters A, B, C.
./ 4 ab
Will download only 4-grams beginning with the literal "ab".
./ 3
Will merge all 3gram-??.csv.bz2
files into a single sorted n-grams tab-separated stream, output to stdout. You may want to compress and/or output this stream to the filesystem, e.g.:
./ 3 | bzip2 > trigrams.bz2
The raw dataset is processed using the awk
script: process-ngrams.awk
. You may wish to edit this file to modify the output format or apply alternate calculations.
The locale LC_ALL=C
is used for the grep
statement applying the filter in
. This vastly improves the performance (and for me avoids GNU grep becoming CPU bound) but somewhat precludes the handling of multibyte UTF-8 characters.
At present
does not download the 0-9, punctuation, nor 'other' data files. These can be downloaded using