###Custom HTTP proxy server for TivoToGo
- perl
- tivodecode
- curl
- XSLT via: xsltproc: ( xsltproc ) or libsaxonb-java: ( saxonb-xslt )
- libxml2-utils: ( xmllint )
[ /usr/bin/ or /usr/local/bin/ ]
####Tested Servers:
- Ubuntu
- Mac 10.10
- FreeBSD
####Tested Clients:
- VLC on Linux
- VLC on Mac
- VLC Firefox Plugin
#####Sketchy Clients:
- gnome VLC plugin
- gnome totem / videos
####Getting started:
- Edit 2 lines [ IP and MAK ] in bin/Conf.pm for your Tivo
- Start daemon:
- Contact server from web browser, on port 8080
#####Channel logos come from a backend service. If yours are missing, message the author with your lineup URL from zap2it.com
####CLI Usage:
$ bin/fid_mpg [] 123456
< mpeg TS of fileID follows >
$ bin/fid_xml [tivo.mydomain] 123456
< xml details of fileID follows >
$ bin/dvr_xml
< xml index from default IP follows >
$ bin/dvr_html []
< html index from specific IP follows >
$ bin/dvr_html [tivo.mydomain] Recurse=Yes&AnchorOffset=16
< html classic index from specific IP follows >
- multiple user sessions
- multi DVR households
- support $PATH
- render Details page
- local Channel logo override/grabber
- WAN access + Auth
- Enlarge cache management
- Verify sane inputs
- Redesign HTML UI
####More R&D:
- Debug VLC's file length detection
- Attempt transcoding
- Attempt Tivo side scrub