This is a python ASGI application that prints the DNS SRV records used for XMPP. You can see it running at
Source available at
- Python dns library. Used to query DNS servers directly.
- Homepage:
- Python jinja library. Used to render the HTML templates.
- Homepage:
- Python Starlette library.
- Homepage:
- Uvicorn. Or you could use any other ASGI server.
- Homepage:
First-time setup:
- Install Poetry. The steps for doing so are system-dependent. One option on macOS is
brew install poetry
poetry install --no-root --with=dev
To run a local server that automatically reloads when code changes, run:
make run-local
Then open http://localhost:8000/ in a web browser.
To check code style:
make check
I suggest running as a Docker container.
To build the Docker image:
make docker
To run the Docker image:
make run-docker
It uses the Uvicorn ASGI server. If you wish to use another ASGI server you'll have to figure out the steps yourself.
The application does not configure Python logging itself. It's expected that the ASGI will do this. Uvicorn does configure logging, and writes various information to stdout.
The application records each hostname that was searched for in /var/log/check-xmpp-dns/requestledger.txt You can bind mount this directory and collect the logs, do log rotation, etc.