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This is a demo repo to simulate an app which will ingest a high-volume user behavior events and aggregate them for use later. The app uses different types of supervision trees to support horizontal scaling.

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This is a demo repo to simulate an app which will ingest a high-volume of events that could come from a device, user behavior, machine on a factory floor, etc. From there, parsing, aggregation and/or persisting to a data store/event pipeline could take place. Currently, this app just outputs to Logger as I am focusing on the Supervisor setup. Different types of supervision trees are used, notably, a PartitionSupervisor to support horizontal scaling.

Parent Supervisor: Application Supervisor

PartitionSupervisors: EventIngestorPartitionSupervisor, EventFlusherPartitionSupervisor

GenServers: EventIngestor, EventFlusher(Acts like a Cronjob service)

flowchart TD
    ISup(Application's Main Supervisor) --> EIPSup(EventIngestorPartitionSupervisor)
    ISup(Application's Main Supervisor) --> EFPSup(EventFlusherPartitionSupervisor)
    EIPSup(EventIngestorPartitionSupervisor) --> EI1(EventIngestor 1)
    EIPSup(EventIngestorPartitionSupervisor) --> EI2(EventIngestor 2)
    EIPSup(EventIngestorPartitionSupervisor) --> EI3(EventIngestor 3)
    EFPSup(EventFlusherPartitionSupervisor) --> EF1(EventFlusher 1)
    EFPSup(EventFlusherPartitionSupervisor) --> EF2(EventFlusher 2)
    EFPSup(EventFlusherPartitionSupervisor) --> EF3(EventFlusher 3)

Stress Testing

test_events = [
  %UserEvent{id: "1", user_id: "1", action_data: [type: :knob, left: "5"]},
  %UserEvent{id: "2", user_id: "1", action_data: [type: :knob, right: "6"]},
  %UserEvent{id: "3", user_id: "1", action_data: [type: :knob, left: "8"]},
  %UserEvent{id: "4", user_id: "2", action_data: [type: :knob, left: "5"]},
  %UserEvent{id: "5", user_id: "2", action_data: [type: :knob, right: "1"]},
  %UserEvent{id: "6", user_id: "2", action_data: [type: :knob, left: "2"]}

# Run 100,000 simulated requests
|> Task.async_stream(
  fn _ ->
    # Pick a random event
    event = Enum.random(test_events)

    # Cast the event to an instance of `EventIngestor`
  # Run the tests with 2,000 concurrent process
  max_concurrency: 2_000

Inspired by

The inspiration comes from the Elixir Patterns book, Chapter 5. Scaling up With PartitionSupervisor. As of this writing, the site seems to be down.

To start your Phoenix server:

  • Run mix setup to install and setup dependencies
  • Start Phoenix endpoint with mix phx.server or inside IEx with iex -S mix phx.server

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.

Ready to run in production? Please check our deployment guides.

Learn more


This is a demo repo to simulate an app which will ingest a high-volume user behavior events and aggregate them for use later. The app uses different types of supervision trees to support horizontal scaling.






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