Welcome to Offline Travel Guides based on Wikivoyage open data!
You can check live guides here: http://guidewithme.com/
All guides apps need pre-built data, which is taken from Wikivoyage project. Please check out scripts in builder folder to understand how to do it, now they're lacking any documentation.
NOTE: Guides were never built on Windows. If you manage to do it, please share a pull request with your fixes.
For Android, create android/local.properties file with content:
You also need to clone MAPS.ME android api repo (don't forget to update it if already cloned):
cd android/3rdparty; git clone git@github.com:mapsme/api-android.git
To generate search indexes for guides you need to pre-build genindex binary.
If you already have qmake installed, Go to builder/genindex and run:
qmake genindex.pro; make
P.S. If you can contribute clean Makefile without qmake, you are always welcome!
To add new country to generation list please follow next steps:
- Add country's name from file all_countries.txt to file countries_to_generate.txt
- Add default image for this country into the folder default_images this image will be used for articles which don't have image (or we dont have image for them). It's name must be <country_name>.jpg.
- Remove file process_html if exists to update data.
Now you'r ready to build new amazing guides with me!
- run
bash build.sh
to prepare data for guides and Android obb files.
- Duplicate any existing iOS target and give it a name of new country
- Delete copy of plist which was created by XCode
- Some target's proj settings are set to default values and should be fixed/set equal to other targets
- Set PRODUCT_NAME in target project properties equal to a name of new country
- Set BUNDLE_ID in target properties to com.guidewithme.newcountry (all lowercase, dots instead of spaces)
- Set URL_SCHEME in target properties to guidewithme-newcountry (all lowercase)
- Add all necessary app icons to the corresponding folder
- Fix "target membership" for icons and for data folder in resources for original target which was duplicated
- Drag "../builder/wikivoyage/Countries//content/data" folder to the Resources and create folder reference
- Add new target name to iOS/build.sh to use Jenkins autobuild
To build new guide locally from XCode, you should copy guide data generated by builder to iOS/Countries/New_Country folder. In this folder there is content/data folder with *.html files, css, js, images and thumb subfolders
- Don't forget to edit file android/src/com/guidewithme/expansion/KeyMap.java Please add Google Play public license key at the end of the COUTRY_2_KEY map AND increment KEY_COUNT constant.
- Add icons for every resolution to android/icons/CountryName/
There is one script you need to use to build guides for Android: build-with-android.sh. It places it's result (obb, apk) into countries folder Countries/<country_name>.
Android applications have package name made of lowercased country name and underscores replaced with dots, added to "com.guidewithme.". For instance: United_States -> com.guidewithme.united.states
We have package name "com.guidewithme.uk" for it for the sake compatibility with first release. obb and apk files are generated accordingly.