🎓 I'm currently studying Electronics and Communications Engineering at National Institute of Technology Agartala.
💡 Some technologies I enjoy working with ReactJS, JavaScript, NodeJS and ExpressJS. Currently exploring GPT-4.
🌳 Love to be parts of Developer Communities and am the community founder of DECOY (STUDENTS SOCIETY FOR DEVELOPMENT CONSCIOUSNESS).
🌱 I'm on track for learning more about Cross-Platform Development, Systems Design, and Algorithms.
👨🏻💻 You can shoot me an email at m4n15hb@gmail.com! I'll try to respond as soon as I can.
i'm a web development enthusiast , in general love to create and work on open source projects.
Currently 👉, I am working on developing a new open-source web application using ReactJS and NodeJS. I am excited to contribute to the developer community and bring new ideas to the table. When I am not coding, I enjoy A cup of coffee and listening to songs:)