handle mathematical expressions at haxe-runtime.
This tool has its roots in old C symbolic math stuff.
It can form derivatives, simplify terms and
handle parameters to connect Formulas together.
haxelib install formula
or use the latest developement version from github:
haxelib git formula https://github.com/maitag/formula.git
To perform benchmarks or unit-tests call the text.hx
hxp script.
install hxp via:
haxelib install hxp
haxelib run hxp --install-hxp-alias
then simple call hpx help
into projectfolder to see options.
If you use hxp bench
to compare performance versus hscripts math-expression parsing
you need to install hscript from haxelib first!
Formula class is a haxe-abstract to support operator-overloading for the underlaying TermNode class,
therefore prefer this one for instantiation:
var f:Formula;
Set up a math expression from String with new or by using the "="-operator:
f = new Formula("1+2*3");
f = "1+2*3";
f = 7; // supports Float too
two side operators:
, -
, *
, /
, ^
, %
mathmatical functions:
log(a, b)
, ln(a)
, abs(a)
, max(a,b)
, min(a,b)
, cos(a)
, tan(a)
, cot(a)
, asin(a)
, acos(a)
, atan(a)
, atan2(a,b)
constants: e()
and pi()
To be known to 'others', you can give a Formula object a name:
f.name = "f";
or alternatively name it at first position in the definition (separated by a colon):
f = "f: 1+2*3";
Bind Formulas together by using custom literals (like variable names):
f = "sin(b)"; // other formula can be bound to 'b' later
Now define another Formula object x
to connect to variable b
with the 'bind()' method:
var x:Formula = 0;
f.bind( x, "b" );
Formula x
does not necessarily has to have the same name as the variable inside f
but if Formula x
has the same name, it's easier:
x.name = "b";
To bind more than one variable at once you can proceed like this: f.bindMap( ["b" => x, "c" => c] );
Alternatively use arrays of formulas and to what parameters it should bind: f.bindArray( [x, c], ["b", "c"] );
or if all formulas have the same names as expected: f.bindArray( [x, c] );
// unbind a connected formula
// unbind the formula thats connected to a variable name
// unbind more than one formula with array usage:
f.unbindArray( [x, c] );
f.unbindParamArray( ["b", "c"] );
// unbind all with:
trace(f); // "sin(b)"
In a String context Formula will return the full dissolved mathmatical expression (includes all bindings):
trace(f); // sin(0)
To dissolve only to a certain level of subterms, use the toString
trace( f.toString(0) ); // sin(b)
trace( f.toString(1) ); // sin(0)
Or print out all binding levels in order with the debug()
f.name = "f";
f.debug(); // f = sin(b) -> sin(0)
The result of a formula expression can be calculated with the result
getter method.
Use this if no unbound variables are left:
trace( f.result ); // 0
creates an Formula object based on the string formula
name:String (get and set)
Formula name
result:Float (get only)
calculation result of the math expression
bind(formula:Formula, ?paramName:String):Formula
link a variable inside of this Formula to another Formula
bindArray(formulas:Array<Formula>, ?paramNames:Array<String>):Formula
link variables inside of this Formula to another Formulas
bindMap(formulaMap:Map<String, Formula>):Formula
link variables inside of this Formula to another Formulas
where the mapkey is equal to the name of the variable
delete all connections of the linked Formula
delete all connections of the linked Formulas
delete all connections to linked formulas for a given variable name
delete all connections to linked formulas for the given variable names
deletes the connection between all variables of the Formula and all linked Formulas
resolves all bindings into formula or optional to a specified the depth level,
removes parameters and replaces it with copies of the linked formulas
returns true if this contains a binding to formula
returns true if formula contains a param with specified name
returns an array of parameter-names
returns the max depth of parameter bindings
copy all from another Formula to this (keeps it's own name if defined)
returns a full copy of this Formula or optional to a specified depth level
toString(?depth:Null<Int>, ?plOut:String):String
returns the mathmatical expression in form of a string
depth: specifies how deep variables should be replaced by their corresponding Formulas
plOut: to generate output syntax for different programming languages ( only 'glsl' yet )
debugging output to see all bindings
returns new formula that is derivate to the variable paramName
tries various ways to make the term appear simpler and also normalizes it
(use with caution because this process is not trivial and could be changed in later versions)
returns the result as new formula
mathematically expands into a polynomial and returns it as new formula
factorizes and returns it as new formula
packs Formula into haxe.io.Bytes for more efficiently storage
static function to extract a Formula from haxe.io.Bytes
var x:Formula, a:Formula, b:Formula, c:Formula, f:Formula;
x = 7.0;
a = "a: 1+2*3"; // a has a defined name
f = "2.5 * sin(x-a)^2";
// change name of Formula
x.name = "x";
// bind Formulas as parameters to other Formula
f.bindMap(["x" => x, "a" => a]);
trace( f.toString(0) ); // 2.5*(sin(x-a)^2)
// fast calculation at runtime
trace( f.result ); // 0
// derivation // 2.5*(((2*(sin(x-a)^2))*cos(x-a))/sin(x-a))
trace( f.derivate("x").simplify().toString(0) );
// change value (keeps parameter bindings)
x.bind(a); // a has a defined name to bind to
trace( f.toString(0) ); // 2.5*(sin(x-a)^2)
trace( f.toString(1) ); // 2.5*(sin(atan(a)-(1+(2*3)))^2)
trace( f.toString(2) ); // 2.5*(sin(atan((1+(2*3)))-(1+(2*3)))^2)
// unbind parameter
f.unbind(a); // unbind a Formula
f.unbindParam("x"); // unbind by param-name
// or alternatively:
//f.unbindArray([a , x]); // unbind array of Formulas
//f.unbindParamArray(["a", "x"]); // unbind array of param-names
//f.unbindAll(); // or unbind all params
trace( f ); // 2.5*(sin(x-a)^2)
// operations with Formulas
a = "a: 1-2";
x = "x = 3*4";
c = 5;
f = a + x / c;
f.name = "f";
// show parameters
// c has no name, so operation will not generate param for f
trace( f.params() ); // [ "a", "x" ]
// debugging Formulas
f.debug(); // f = a+(x/5) -> (1-2)+((3*4)/5)
// simplify reduces operations
trace( f ); // -1+((3*4)/5)
// using math functions
f = Formula.sin(c * a) + Formula.max(f, 3);
f.name = "F";
f.debug(); // F = sin(5*a)+max(f,3) -> sin(5*-1)+max((a+(x/5)),3) -> sin(5*-1)+max((-1+((3*4)/5)),3)
// error handling
c = "4";
f = "3 * c";
try f.bind(c) catch(e:FormulaException) trace(e.msg); // Error: Can't bind to unnamed parameter...
var s:String = "4 + (3 - )";
try {
f = s;
} catch (e:FormulaException) {
trace(e.msg); // Error: Missing right operand.
var spaces = ""; for (i in 0...e.pos) spaces += " ";
trace(spaces + "^");
More can be found in formula-samples repository.
- remove of unnecessary parentheses in string output
- option for parsing in/out to reduce notation of number-params multiplication like: "2x + 3y"
- cleaner algorithms for term-transformations
- more ways to customize the simplification of terms
- comparing terms for math-equality
- handling other datatypes for values (integer, fixed-point numbers, vectors, matrices, complex numbers)
- more math operations (hyperbolic functions, logic operators)
- handle recursive parameter bindings (something like x(n+1) = x(n) ...)
- definite integrals (or even indefinite later on)
- gpu-optimization for parallel calculations