Utilities and helper methods for shell programming (bash)
This project contains:
a module providing basic collections functionality (List, Set and Map) for small collections.
Sometimes when creating shell scripts, it would be nice to have basic collections such as a List, Set or a Map. Therefore I created a shell module providing a List, Set and Map implementation based on flat files and tools like grep, tail, head, etc. The files storing the collection data are automatically deleted when exiting the script.
List Example usage:
#load the module . shell-utils/lib/collections.shm # add some entries to the list collections_list_push mylist "entry 1" collections_list_push mylist "entry 2" collections_list_push mylist "entry 3" # iterate over each list element for e in "$(collections_list_all mylist)"; do echo "$e" done collections_list_shift mylist # echoes "entry 1" echo $(collections_list_size mylist) # echoes 2 collections_list_get mylist 0 # echoes "entry 2"
List functions (parameters):
collections_list_all (identifier)
echoes all the values of the list identified by identifier
collections_list_delete (identifier, index)
deletes the value at index of the list identified by identifier
collections_list_get (identifier, index)
echoes the value at index of the list identified by identifier
collections_list_insert (identifier, index, value)
inserts the given value at index of the list identified by identifier
collections_list_push (identifier, value)
add the given value at the end of the list identified by identifier
collections_list_unshift (identifier, value)
add the given value at the beginning of the list identified by identifier
collections_list_pop (identifier)
echoes and removes the value at the end of the list identified by identifier
collections_list_shift (identifier)
echoes and removes the value at the beginning of the list identified by identifier
collections_list_size (identifier)
echoes the number of elements inside the list identified by identifier
collections_list_clear (identifier):
clears the list identified by identifier
Map Example usage:
#load the module . shell-utils/lib/collections.shm # populate the map with some data for i in $(seq 1 10); do collections_map_put mymap "key${i}" "value ${i}" done # iterate over the keys for key in $(collections_map_keys mymap); do # get the value for key echo "key: ${key}, value: "$(collections_map_get mymap $key) done
Map functions (parameters):
collections_map_contains (identifier, key):
checks whether the key exists in the map identified by identifier, returns true if the key exists
collections_map_delete (identifier, key):
deletes the key and it's value from the map identified by identifier
collections_map_get (identifier, key):
echoes the value for key from the map identified by identifier
collections_map_keys (identifier):
echoes all the keys from the map identified by identifier
collections_map_put (identifier, key, value):
stores the given key / value pair in the map identified by identifier
collections_map_size (identifier):
echoes the number of key / value pairs of the map identified by identifier
collections_map_clear (identifier):
clears the map identified by identifier
Set Example usage:
#load the module . shell-utils/lib/collections.shm # populate the set with some data for i in $(seq 1 10); do collections_set_put myset "item $i" done # check if specific items exist: collections_set_contains myset "item 1" && echo "item 1 exists" # echoes "item 1 exists" collections_set_contains myset "item 11" && echo "item 11 exists" # echoes nothing # delete item collections_set_delete myset "item 1" collections_set_contains myset "item 1" && echo "item 1 exists" # echoes nothing
Set functions (parameters):
collections_set_contains (identifier, item)
checks whether the item is inside the set identified by identifier, returns true if the item exists
collections_set_delete (identifier, item)
removes the item from the set identified by identifier
collections_set_items (identifier)
echoes all the items of the set identified by identifier
collections_set_put (identifier, item)
puts the item into the set identified by identifier
collections_set_size (identifier)
echoes the number of items inside the set identified by identifier
collections_set_clear (identifier):
clears the set identified by identifier