This is sample project to demonstrate es6 in emberJS and expressJS.
Here are the steps to setup the project,
Clone the project
Create blood-donor db in mongodb and run the mongo client using
, for more reference check mongodb site
Open two tabs in the Command line
In one tab, goto root of the folder, run
npm install
(to install dependent node modules) and then runnpm start
In another tab, goto client folder and run
npm install && bower install
(to install node and bower modules) and then runnpm start
This will start client and backend server. Visit http://localhost:4200.
Have to do
Map blood donor recipient in Google map
Stripe Integration
Videochat using webrtc
OAUTH2 Implementation
Add JSON API to both front-end and backend
Add gruntJS/gulpJS for lib folder
Backend Mocha integration for testing api's