A KSP library that processes annotations and generates code that uses Official Jetpack Compose Navigation under the hood. It hides the complex, non-type-safe and boilerplate code you would have to write otherwise.
No need to learn a whole new framework to navigate - most APIs are either the same as with the Jetpack Components or inspired by them.
- Typesafe navigation arguments
- Simple but configurable navigation graphs setup
- Navigating back with a result in a simple and type-safe way
- Getting the navigation arguments from the
(useful in ViewModels) andNavBackStackEntry
in a type-safe way. - Navigation animations through integration with Accompanist Navigation-Animation
- Bottom sheet screens through integration with Accompanist Navigation-Material
- Easy deep linking to screens
- All you can do with Official Jetpack Compose Navigation but in a simpler safer way!
For a deeper look into all the features, check our documentation website.
- Philipp Lackner's Youtube video Compose Navigation Just Got SO MUCH EASIER 😱
- Rafael Costa's blog post Compose Destinations: simpler and safer navigation in Compose with no compromises
- Yanneck Reiß's blog post Type Safe Navigation With Jetpack Compose Destinations
- Google Dev Expert Kenji Abe's blog post Navigation Composeを便利にしてくれるライブラリ
- aseem wangoo's blog post (and Youtube video inside): Using compose destinations
- Annotate your screen Composables with
fun ProfileScreen() { /*...*/ }
- Add navigation arguments to the function declaration:
fun ProfileScreen(
id: Int, // <-- required navigation argument
groupName: String?, // <-- optional navigation argument
isOwnUser: Boolean = false // <-- optional navigation argument
) { /*...*/ }
, Serializable
, Enum
and classes annotated with @kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
(as well as Array
s and ArrayList
s of these) work out of the box!
You can also make any other type a navigation argument type. Read about it here
There is an alternative way to define the destination arguments in case you don't need to use them inside the Composable (as is likely the case when using ViewModel). Read more here.
Build the project (or
./gradlew kspDebugKotlin
, which should be faster) to generate all the Destinations. With the above annotated composable, aProfileScreenDestination
file (that we'll use in step 4) would be generated. -
Use the generated
invoke method to navigate to it. It will have the correct typed arguments.
@RootNavGraph(start = true) // sets this as the start destination of the default nav graph
fun HomeScreen(
navigator: DestinationsNavigator
) {
navigator.navigate(ProfileScreenDestination(id = 7, groupName = "Kotlin programmers"))
DestinationsNavigator is a wrapper interface to NavController that if declared as a parameter, will be provided for free by the library. NavController can also be provided in the exact same way, but it ties your composables to a specific implementation which will make it harder to test and preview. Read more here
- Finally, add the NavHost call:
DestinationsNavHost(navGraph = NavGraphs.root)
is a generated file that describes your navigation graphs and their destinations. By default all destinations will belong to "root" (@RootNavGraph), but you can create your own nav graphs annotations to have certain screens in other navigation graphs.
This call adds all annotated Composable functions as destinations of the Navigation Host.
That's it! No need to worry about routes, NavType
, bundles and strings. All that redundant and
error-prone code gets generated for you.
Compose destinations is available via maven central.
Note: The version you chose for the KSP plugin depends on the Kotlin version your project uses.
You can check https://github.com/google/ksp/releases for the list of KSP versions, then pick the last release that matches your Kotlin version. Example: If you're using1.6.21
Kotlin version, then the last KSP version is1.6.21-1.0.6
groovy - build.gradle(:module-name)
plugins {
id 'com.google.devtools.ksp' version '1.6.21-1.0.6' // Depends on your kotlin version
kotlin - build.gradle.kts(:module-name)
plugins {
id("com.google.devtools.ksp") version "1.6.21-1.0.6" // Depends on your kotlin version
Compose Destinations has multiple active versions. The higher one uses the latest versions for Compose and Accompanist, while the others use only stable versions. Choose the one that matches your Compose version, considering this table:
Compose 1.1 (1.1.x) | |
Compose 1.2 (1.2.x) | |
Compose 1.3 (1.3.x) |
Warning: If you choose a version that uses a higher version of Compose than the one you're setting for your app, gradle will upgrade your Compose version via transitive dependency.
groovy - build.gradle(:module-name)
implementation 'io.github.raamcosta.compose-destinations:core:<version>'
ksp 'io.github.raamcosta.compose-destinations:ksp:<version>'
kotlin - build.gradle.kts(:module-name)
Note: If you want to use animations between screens and/or bottom sheet screens, replace above core dependency with:
implementation 'io.github.raamcosta.compose-destinations:animations-core:<version>'
this will use Accompanist Navigation-Animation and Accompanist Navigation-Material internally.
Read more about the next steps to configure these features here
See KSP related issue.
Here is an example of how to do that for all your build variants (inside android
Warning: Replace
if the module uses'com.android.library'
groovy - build.gradle(:module-name)
applicationVariants.all { variant ->
kotlin.sourceSets {
getByName(variant.name) {
kotlin - build.gradle.kts(:module-name)
applicationVariants.all {
kotlin.sourceSets {
getByName(name) {
The library is now in its beta stage, which means that I am happy with the core feature set. If the APIs change, I will provide a migration path. Please do try it and open issues if you find any. If you're interested in contributing, reach out via twitter DM.
Any feedback and contributions are highly appreciated!
If you like the library, consider starring and sharing it with your colleagues.