This plugin makes rbenv transparently aware of project-specific binstubs created by bundler.
This means you don't have to type bundle exec ${command}
ever again!
To install rbenv-binstubs, clone this repository into your ~/.rbenv/plugins directory. (You'll need a recent version of rbenv that supports plugin bundles.)
$ git clone "$(rbenv root)/plugins/rbenv-binstubs"
Then for each application directory run the following just once:
$ bundle install --binstubs .bundle/bin
$ rbenv rehash
The .bundle/bin
argument keeps the binstubs separate from the default bin/ since bin/ is now used for application scripts and should be included in your code repository (from rails 4.0.0 onwards). If you wish to mix application scripts and binstubs, then consider generating only those binstubs you need.
I recommend you also install the gem-rehash plugin as well so you don't have to remember to use rbenv rehash
after each bundle install
. Note gem-rehash only calls rbenv rehash if a new gem executable is installed, so you will need to run rbenv rehash
for each project directory after installing this plugin or for the specific project if you change the binstub directory.
Simply type the name of the command you want to run! Thats all folks! Eg:
$ rake --version
This plugin searches from the current directory up towards root for a directory containing a Gemfile. If such a directory is found, then the plugin checks for the desired command under the 'bin' sub-directoy. If you used bundle --binstubs=some/pib/path then that directory will be checked instead of 'bin'.
To confirm that the bundler binstub is being used, run the command:
$ rbenv which COMMAND
To show which gem bundle will use, run the command:
$ bundle show GEM
You can disable the searching for binstubs by setting the environment variable DISABLE_BINSTUBS to a non empty string:
$ DISABLE_BINSTUBS=1 rbenv which command
You can list the bundles (project directories) and their associated binstub directories that have been registered since the plugin was installed using the command:
$ rbenv bundles
This will add a comment if bundle is not set to automatically create binstubs, or the binstubs directory is missing, or if a Gemfile no longer exists. If the Gemfile for a bundle is removed, then that bundle will be dropped from the list of bundles to check when rbenv rehash
is next run.
Copyright (c) 2013 Ian Heggie - Released under the same terms as rbenv's MIT-License
- Issues on GitHub for Known Issues
- Wiki for further information
- Travis-CI for the Continuous integration test results
- rbenv for rbenv itself
- plugins on the rbenv wiki includes a list of recomended plugins. I personally use:
- ruby-build - easy install of new ruby versions
- rbenv-gem-rehash - runs rbenv rehash automatically
- rbenv-binstubs - Of course I use my own plugin!
- rbenv-update - update rbenv and plugins with single command
- rbenv-env - list relevant env variables - I wrote this to better understand what is happening under the hood
rbenv-bundler is another rbenv plugin for bundler - it makes shims aware of bundle installation paths. It uses a more involved approach which has performance and other consequences.
- Fork the project.
- Make your feature addition or bug fix, with tests
- Commit
- Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.
Thanks go to:
- madumlao - contributed code so this plugin now creates shims for all the executable files in the binstubs directory, thus
bundle --path=vendor/bundle ...
is now handled, as are arbitrary executables in the binstubs directory. - Various people who have given feedback and suggestions via the issues list