Some output of my short academic career
"Entwicklung einer browserbasierten Benutzerschnittstelle zur Erstellung von PACT-Programmen"
In 2011 I wrote my Master Thesis as a member of the Stratosphere-Project in the institute Databases and Information Systems. Within the Stratosphere Project PACT-programs were used to process large amounts of data in parallel on a distributed cluster computer architecture. However creating a PACT-program was very time-consuming, complicated, and required the installation of a development environment. My master thesis describes the implementation of the Google Web Toolkit based PACT-GUI web application. The application allows to graphically model and implement PACT-programs within a rich client browser application. In future, the ease with which users can now generate PACT-programs may promote the wide adoption of Stratosphere System.
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In 2010 I was part of a research team, that investigated to what extent users will accept decreases in usability for an increase of their anonymity. My contribution to the project was quantitative specifics about the latency due to TOR usage.
DNS just works, right? No, there are various technolgies and interests involved. Learn more:
📎 "DNS Economics: Stakeholders, Business Models, Power Structure"
From 2003 to 2006 I studied Business Information Systems at The Berlin School of Economics and Law. My final thesis was about the probably hotest topic in Tech at this time: Mobile Web Browsing :)
📎 "Portierung einer Webpräsenz für den BlackBerry (Am Beispiel des Intranets der Schering AG)"