This is an unofficial Yr Weather Forecast module for MagicMirror², which displays data from Yr.
It is heavily based on MMM-YrNow, from Yr itself. Yr is a weather service from the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation and the Norwegian Meteorological Institute.
This is work in progress, but as it stands right now it's working and covering my needs.
Remote into your Magic Mirror box using a terminal software and go to the modules folder:
cd ~/MagicMirror/modules
Clone the repository:
git clone
Add the module to the modules array in the config/config.js file by adding the following section. You can change this configuration later when you see this works:
module: 'MMM-YrThen',
position: 'top_right',
config: {
location: '1-2820936',
Find your location using the search form at this page and look for the ID in the URL.
Option | Comment | Default |
location | The unique Id found in the Url of any location on Default location is Skrubblivegen in Steinkjer, Norway. | 1-2296935 |
updateInterval | How often to get new data. Defaults to 1 hour, as the weather forecast doesn't really change too often. | 3600000 |
initialLoadDelay | Dunno why, but thought it was a good idea to give it some rest before we start. Defaults to 1 sec. | 1000 |
showAll | Show all four periods of each day or not. | true |
showPrecipitation | If showAll is true, show precipitation as well? | true |
showMaxMin | If showAll is true, show maximum and minimum temperature? | false |
details | If showAll is false, show detailed weather forecast? If false, it only shows the forecast around midday (12.00). If true, it shows detailed forecast numDetails times. | true |
numDetails | How many detailed forecasts to show. Default is next two periods. Only applies if showAll is false and details is true. | 2 |
detailedPrec | Show detailed precipitation? | true |
roundTemp | Round temperature to zero decimals. | true |
roundPrec | Round precipitation to zero decimals. | false |
title | Title for the module, if shown. | Værmelding for Skrubblivegen |
header | Show header or not. Contents of header is title. | false |