Deprecated!!! Please check our new repo for uiflow 2.0!
M5Stack Micropython Base Lobo MicroPython
- See LoBo MicroPython WiKi
- Please make sure run
./ menuconfig
choose open MicroPython --> Modules --> Use Display module
This works for Linux or macOS, windows is slightly different. Follow the information above to prepare your build environment.
- Clone the repository
git clone
- Enter the build
cd M5Stack_MicroPython/MicroPython_BUILD/
- Build the firmware
- Flash the firmware
./ flash
- Use Ampy
- Use Lobo Miropython filesystems
Micropython Getting Started
In already init timer 0 as EXTBASE, lcd pwm use timer 1, speak use timer 2, 8
import m5stack
Import M5Stack:
from m5stack import lcd
lcd.print('hello world!')
Color value are given as 24 bit integer numbers, 8-bit per color.
For example: 0xFF0000 represents the RED color. Only upper 6 bits of the color component value is used.
The following color constants are defined and can be used as color arguments:
All drawings coordinates are relative to the display window.
Initialy, the display window is set to full screen, and there are methods to set the window to the part of the full screen.
9 bit-mapped fornts and one vector 7-segment font are included. Unlimited number of fonts from file can also be used.
The following font constants are defined and can be used as font arguments:
FONT_Default, FONT_DefaultSmall, FONT_DejaVu18, FONT_Dejavu24, FONT_Ubuntu, FONT_Comic, FONT_Minya, FONT_Tooney, FONT_Small, FONT_7seg
Draw the pixel at position (x,y).
If color is not given, current foreground color is used.
Get the pixel color value at position (x,y).
Draw the line from point (x,y) to point (x1,y1)
If color is not given, current foreground color is used.
Draw the line from point (x,y) with length lenght starting st distance start from center.
If color is not given, current foreground color is used.
The angle is given in degrees (0~359).
Draw the triangel between points (x,y), (x1,y1) and (x2,y2).
If color is not given, current foreground color is used.
If fillcolor is given, filled triangle will be drawn.
Draw the circle with center at (x,y) and radius r.
If color is not given, current foreground color is used.
If fillcolor is given, filled circle will be drawn.
Draw the circle with center at (x,y) and radius r.
If color is not given, current foreground color is used.
*opt argument defines the ellipse segment to be drawn, default id 15, all ellipse segments.
Multiple segments can drawn, combine (logical or) the values.
- 1 - upper left segment
- 2 - upper right segment
- 4 - lower left segment
- 8 - lower right segment
If fillcolor is given, filled elipse will be drawn.
Draw the arc with center at (x,y) and radius r, starting at angle start and ending at angle end
The thicknes of the arc outline is set by the thick argument
If fillcolor is given, filled arc will be drawn.
Draw the polygon with center at (x,y) and radius r, with number of sides sides
The thicknes of the polygon outline is set by the thick argument
If fillcolor is given, filled polygon will be drawn.
If rotate is given, the polygon is rotated by the given angle (0~359)
Draw the rectangle from the upper left point at (x,y) and width width and height height
If fillcolor is given, filled rectangle will be drawn.
Draw the rectangle with rounded corners from the upper left point at (x,y) and width width and height height
Corner radius is given by r argument.
If fillcolor is given, filled rectangle will be drawn.
Clear the screen with default background color or specific color if given.
Clear the current display window with default background color or specific color if given.
Set the display orientation.
Use one of predifined constants:
Set the active font and its characteristics.
Argument | Description |
font | required, use font name constant or font file name |
rotate | optional, set font rotation angle (0~360) |
transparent | only draw font's foreground pixels |
fixedwidth | draw proportional font with fixed character width, max character width from the font is used |
dist | only for 7-seg font, the distance between bars |
width | only for 7-seg font, the width of the bar |
outline | only for 7-seg font, draw the outline |
color | font color, if not given the current foreground color is used |
Set characteristics of the 7-segment font
Argument | Description |
dist | the distance between bars |
width | the width of the bar |
outline | outline color |
color | fill color |
Return width and height of the active font
Display the string text at possition (x,y).
If color is not given, current foreground color is used.
- x: horizontal position of the upper left point in pixels, special values can be given:
- CENTER, centers the text
- RIGHT, right justifies the text
- LASTX, continues from last X position; offset can be used: LASTX+n
- y: vertical position of the upper left point in pixels, special values can be given:
- CENTER, centers the text
- BOTTOM, bottom justifies the text
- LASTY, continues from last Y position; offset can be used: LASTY+n
- text: string to be displayed. Two special characters are allowed in strings:
- ‘\r’ CR (0x0D), clears the display to EOL
- ‘\n’ LF (ox0A), continues to the new line, x=0
Display the string text at possition (x,y).
If color is not given, current foreground color is used.
- x: horizontal position of the upper left point in pixels, special values can be given:
- CENTER, centers the text
- RIGHT, right justifies the text
- LASTX, continues from last X position; offset can be used: LASTX+n
- y: vertical position of the upper left point in pixels, special values can be given:
- CENTER, centers the text
- BOTTOM, bottom justifies the text
- LASTY, continues from last Y position; offset can be used: LASTY+n
- text: string to be displayed. Two special characters are allowed in strings:
- ‘\r’ CR (0x0D), clears the display to EOL
- ‘\n’ LF (ox0A), continues to the new line, x=0
Return the width of the string text using the active font fontSize
Clear the the screen area used by string text at possition (x,y) using the bacckground color color.
If color is not given, current background color is used.
Display the image from the file file on position (x,y)
- JPG and BMP can be displayed.
- Constants lcd.CENTER, lcd.BOTTOM, lcd.RIGHT can be used for x&y
- x and y values can be negative
scale (jpg): image scale factor: 0 to 3; if scale>0, image is scaled by factor 1/(2^scale) (1/2, 1/4 or 1/8)
scale (bmp): image scale factor: 0 to 7; if scale>0, image is scaled by factor 1/(scale+1)
type: optional, set the image type, constants lcd.JPG or lcd.BMP can be used. If not set, file extension and/or file content will be used to determine the image type.
Set active display window to screen rectangle (x,y) - (x1,y1)
Reset active display window to full screen size.
Save active display window dimensions.
Restore active display window dimensions previously saved wint savewin().
Return the display size, (width, height)
Return the active display window size, (width, height)
Converts the components of a color, as specified by the HSB model, to an equivalent set of values for the default RGB model.
Returns 24-bit integer value suitable to be used as color argiment
- hue: float: any number, the floor of this number is subtracted from it to create a fraction between 0 and 1. This fractional number is then multiplied by 360 to produce the hue angle in the HSB color model.
- saturation: float; 0 ~ 1.0
- brightness: float; 0 ~ 1.0
Compile the source font file (must have .c extension) to the binary font file (same name, .fon extension) which can be used as external font.
If debug=True the information about compiled font will be printed.
You can create the c source file from any tft font using the included ttf2c_vc2003.exe program. See README for instructions.
You can create c source file or .fon file from tft font using online converter.
# if set the callback param, it will interrupt callback function
# or if not set param it will return result at once
buttonA.releasedFor(timeout, callback=None)
from m5stack import *
import utime
while True:
if buttonA.wasPressed():
lcd.print('Button A was Pressed\n')
if buttonA.wasReleased():
lcd.print('Button A was Released\n')
if buttonA.pressedFor(1.5):
lcd.print('Button A pressed for 1.5s\n')
if buttonA.releasedFor(2):
lcd.print('Button A released for 2s press hold\n')
from m5stack import *
def on_wasPressed():
lcd.print('Button B was Pressed\n')
def on_wasReleased():
lcd.print('Button B was Released\n')
def on_releasedFor():
lcd.print('Button B released for 1.2s press hold\n')
buttonB.releasedFor(1.2, on_releasedFor)
import uos
from m5stack import *
speaker.tone(freq=1800, duration=200) # Non-blocking
import machine
pinout = machine.Pin(0, machine.Pin.OUT)
pinin = machine.Pin(2, machine.Pin.IN)
val = pinin.value()
pwm = machine.PWM(pin [, freq=f] [, duty=d] [, timer=tm])
pwm.init([ freq=f] [, duty=d] [, timer=tm])
Arg | Description |
pin | esp32 GPIO number to be used as pwm output can be given as integer value or machine.Pin object |
freq | optional, default 5 kHz; pwm frequeny in Hz (1 - 40000000) |
duty | optional, default 50% kHz; pwm duty cycle in % (0 - 100) |
timer | optional, default 0; pwm timer (0 - 3) |
PWM channel is selected automatically from 8 available pwm channels.
import machine
pwm = machine.PWM(26)
pwm.duty(66) # 0.0 ~ 100.0
import machine
adc = machine.ADC(35)
import machine
dac = machine.DAC(machine.Pin(26))
from machine import I2C
i2c = I2C(freq=400000, sda=21, scl=22)
# create I2C peripheral at frequency of 400kHz
# depending on the port, extra parameters may be required
# to select the peripheral and/or pins to use
i2c.scan() # scan for slaves, returning a list of 7-bit addresses
i2c.writeto(42, b'123') # write 3 bytes to slave with 7-bit address 42
i2c.readfrom(42, 4) # read 4 bytes from slave with 7-bit address 42
i2c.readfrom_mem(42, 8, 3) # read 3 bytes from memory of slave 42,
# starting at memory-address 8 in the slave
i2c.writeto_mem(42, 2, b'\x10') # write 1 byte to memory of slave 42
# starting at address 2 in the slave
from machine import SPI, Pin
spi = SPI(
spi.write(buf) #NOHEAP, *, write=0x00) #write is the byte to ?output on MOSI for each byte read in
spi.readinto(buf, *, write=0x00) #NOHEAP
spi.write_readinto(write_buf, read_buf) #NOHEAP; write_buf and read_buf can be the same
from machine import UART
uart2 = UART(2, tx=17, rx=16)
uart2.init(115200, bits=8, parity=None, stop=1) # read 10 characters, returns a bytes object # read all available characters
uart2.readline() # read a line
uart2.readinto(buf) # read and store into the given buffer
uart2.write('abc') # write the 3 characters
tm = machine.Timer(timer_no)
timer_no argument is the timer number to be used for the timer. It can be 0 - 3 for 4 hardware timers or 4 - 11 for extended timers. If extended timer is selected, timer 0 must already be configured in EXTBASE mode.
import machine
tcounter = 0
p1 = machine.Pin(27)
def tcb(timer):
global tcounter
if tcounter & 1:
tcounter += 1
if (tcounter % 10000) == 0:
print("[tcb] timer: {} counter: {}".format(timer.timernum(), tcounter))
t1 = machine.Timer(2)
t1.init(period=20, mode=t1.PERIODIC, callback=tcb)
import machine, time
np = machine.Neopixel(machine.Pin(22), 24)
def rainbow(loops=120, delay=1, sat=1.0, bri=0.2):
for pos in range(0, loops):
for i in range(0, 24):
dHue = 360.0/24*(pos+i);
hue = dHue % 360;
np.setHSB(i, hue, sat, bri, 1, False)
if delay > 0:
def blinkRainbow(loops=10, delay=250):
for pos in range(0, loops):
for i in range(0, 24):
dHue = 360.0/24*(pos+i);
hue = dHue % 360;
np.setHSB(i, hue, 1.0, 0.1, 1, False)
import machine
import utime
rtc = machine.RTC()
rtc.ntp_sync(server="", tz="CET-1CEST")
(2018, 1, 29, 16, 3, 18, 2, 29)
(2018, 1, 29, 17, 3, 30, 2, 29)