panda_client_go: interface to Panda's API in Google Go
date: 2013-05-29
author: jack argirov (m0rcq@argirov.co.uk)
licence: MIT
Implementation of pandastream.com's API in Go, handles:
- API authentication
- GET/POST/PUT/DELETE against the RESTful resources as Videos/Encodings/Profiles/Clouds/Notifications
More information about the actual API: http://www.pandastream.com/docs/api
Includes simple command line client in examples/client.go showing one way of using it.
Written as a learning exercise in Go - any improvements you might see worth adding, please let me know!
73 de M0RCQ
go get github.com/m0rcq/panda_client_go
go test github.com/m0rcq/panda_client_go
(test against signature generation included)
go get github.com/bitly/go-simplejson
go install github.com/m0rcq/panda_client_go/examples/panda_client_cmd
$GOBIN/panda_client_cmd --resource videos --cmd info (get all video resources)
$GOBIN/panda_client_cmd --resource videos --cmd upload --video /path/to/video/file (upload video using filepath)
$GOBIN/panda_client_cmd --resource videos --cmd delete --id 1234567890 (delete video by id)
$GOBIN/panda_client_cmd --resource encodings --cmd info (get all encodings)
(or provide CloudId/AccessKey/SecretKey/ApiHost via command line as: --cloudId / --accessKey / --secretKey --apiHost) e.g.
$GOBIN/panda_client_cmd --accessKey <access_key> --secretKey <secret_key> --cloudId <cloud_id> --resource videos --cmd info
Init(AccessKey string, SecretKey string, CloudId string, ApiHost string, ApiPort int)
ApiURL() string
Get(path string, data map[string]string) (string, error)
Post(path string, data map[string]string) (string, error)
Put(path string, data map[string]string) (string, error)
Delete(path string, data map[string]string) (string, error)
import "github.com/m0rcq/panda_client_go"
var client panda.PandaApiInterface = &panda.PandaApi{}
client.Init(accessKey, secretKey, cloudId, apiHost, 80)
client.Get("/videos.json", nil)