A Module to help manage a Kong API Gateway
For a full write-up, please see the blog series: Kong Up and Running
- Ansible
- python requests library
- Docker and Docker Compose
From a Docker-enabled terminal run:
git clone git@github.com:toast38coza/ansible-kong-module.git && cd ansible-kong-module
docker-compose up
This might take a while to run ... after it is finished you can find the IP of your docker machine with:
$ docker-machine ip default
(assuming your docker-machine is called default).
You can then access your Kong API at:
- Admin interface:
- REST Interface:
Configure your Kong instance with:
ansible-playbook playbook.yml -i inventory --extra-vars "kong_admin_base_url= kong_base_url="
- set kong_admin_base_url and kong_base_url to your Kong instance's urls