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An UIStackView extension to make custom spacing easier to use, and also work on iOS 9.


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UIStackView supports custom spacing on iOS 11. This library makes it easier to use, and work on iOS 9.


  • Custom spacing support on iOS 9 and above
  • Spacing between arrangedSubviews
  • Spacing between the arrangedSubview and the UIStackView
  • Works with all UIStackView's existing functionalities. including inserting and removing arrangedSubviews, getting arrangedSubviews, setting arrangedSubviews' isHidden property.


  • iOS 9.0 and above
  • Swift 4.2
  • This library assumes you understand UIStackView, Auto Layout and their combination. For more, see Auto Layout with UIStackView


How to use

import LRCustomSpacingStackView

view1.lr_stackSpacing = UIEdgeInsets(top: 20, left: 30, bottom: 10, right: 0)
  1. Set up your stack view and subviews using Auto Layout. For more, see Auto Layout with UIStackView
  2. Use extension methods provided by this library, instead of UIStackView's builtin methods, to add UIViews to UIStackView
  3. custom UIView's spacing by setting its lr_stackSpacing property, instead of setCustomSpacing(_:after:)

Simply speaking, use APIs on the left each time you want to use APIs on the right, and everything else would be covered for you.

This library's extensions UIStackView
init(lr_arrangedSubviews:) UIStackView.init(arrangedSubviews:)
lr_arrangedSubviews UIStackView.arrangedSubviews
lr_addArrangedSubview(_:) UIStackView.addArrangedSubview(_:)
lr_removeArrangedSubview(_:) UIStackView.removeArrangedSubview(_:)
lr_insertArrangedSubview(_:at:) UIStackView.insertArrangedSubview(_:at:)
UIView.lr_stackSpacing UIStackView.setCustomSpacing(_:after:)

See Wiki for a detailed documentation (Not completed yet)

Installation with CocoaPods

CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Objective-C and Swift, which automates and simplifies the process of using 3rd-party libraries in your projects. See the Get Started section for more details.


platform: ios, '9.0'

pod 'LRCustomSpacingStackView', '~> 1.0.0'

Manual Installation

Simply download UIStackView+LRCustomSpacing.swift, drag it to your project.


This library is designed to support custom spacing for UIStackView without breaking any builtin behaviors, but custom spacing you specified in UIView's lr_stackSpacing property has the highest priority in the final layout. That is:

  1. You can set UIStackView.spacing to add a fixed spacing for all subviews, and then set some subviews' lr_stackSpacing for extra spacings.

  2. You can still use setCustomSpacing(_:after:), although you don't have to in almost all cases.

  3. It is still your responsibility to make sure your stack view is free of conflicts. Nothing is different from setting up a regular UIStackView using Auto Layout, except that a subview's size in the eye of the stack view is actually the sum of the subview's size and its lr_stackSpacing insets. This may cause conflicts sometimes. For example, if your stack view's axis is vertical and width is 300, a subview's width is also 300, in this case, this subview's width + lr_stackSpacing.left + lr_stackSpacing.right must <= 300. Otherwise, the stack view considers this subview's width is larger than its own width, which is a conflict for a vertical stack view. To prevent this, set up your subview's size with a low priority (so that the stack view can resize subviews based on its axis, spacing, distribution and alignment), or make the stack view self-growing at its axis.

A good practice is to, always set up your stack view and subviews using regular UIStackView APIs, make sure it is free of conflicts, after that, replace builtin methods with this library's

PRs and Issues are welcome.


An UIStackView extension to make custom spacing easier to use, and also work on iOS 9.








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