Mothpi is a software for automated moth pictures used in biodiversity research. See for build instructions of the device.
- Timer-based capture of moth pictures
- Status updates to e-paper
- Web app for status information and configuration
- Standby during daytime based on calculated sunset and sunrise times
- Standby during bad weather, automatic weather data retrieval
This software is programmed for use in a Rapsberry Pi with an e-paper shield and a relais shield.
Required packages:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y upgrade && sudo apt autoremove
sudo apt install -y python3-dev python3-pip libsystemd-dev wiringpi gphoto2
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Preserve timing information as well as possible:
- Transport the camera with a battery, as it has an internal clock with limited power capacity; and check the correcttime in the camera when setting up; pictures then will have the correct timestamp.
- If the Raspberry Pi will be without internet connection, install
or optionally install a hardware clock. - If it will have internet connection: Make sure that the systemd service
is enabled and started time zone is set correctly:
systemctl enable --now systemd-timesyncd.service
timedatectl set-ntp true
timedatectl set-timezone "Europe/Berlin" # or any other timezone
Also, the Mothpi program will run as user, so make sure that automatic start-up of user instances is activated:
loginctl enable-linger pi
The main Mothpi programm can be downloaded from this git repository.
git clone ~/mothpi
If you use a development version and need an access token, set up an access token in Settings->Access Tokens, then use it to access this Mothpi repository.
git clone https://gitlab-ci-token:${MOTHPI_TOKEN} ~/mothpi
The included script automates the updating process as well as other tasks.
- Switch the camera "ON".
- Make sure that PC connection over USB is activated. This can be verified by connecting it with USB cable to the Raspberry Pi. Then, the camera displays a "waiting for connection" message.
- To reduce power usage, switch off the display setting "Sucher" in the menu for "Display/Sucher" on Page 3 of the Gear ⚙️ page. (Sony Alpha 6000)
- Don't forget to activate the flash by pressing the flash button.
Start with
that provides a boilerplate for mothpi, including functions for:
- automatic updates,
- systemd services,
- reverse ssh tunnel to the main server and
- a pictures uploader.
Initialize with:
./ init
this will copy and enable systemd services and set up systemd service variables.
The core program that takes pictures is in mothpi/
The web app included in mothpi/
provides a web interface to check its status and change the configuration.
It can be accessed on Port 8000 by default.
The IP address of the device is displayed on the e-Paper display, if available.
Example configuration page:
The mothpi configuration file will be saved in $HOME/.mothpi
Pictures are saved in /home/pi/pics/
and will be moved over to the server in regular intervals.
Periodic restarts are disabled by default, but can be activated over the configuration file.