Sleeping Messages
notifies all players when someone is sleeping.
You can fully customize the message, change the text, adjust its color, and even modify the color of the player's name.
Version: 1.21.X
Move the downloaded file in the path .minecraft/saves/[world]/datapacks
Please report any bug/issues to the Discord Server in the bugs
channel, or create a issue in the Github Repostiroy.
See current config:
/data get storage sleeping_messages:config
Reset config:
/function sleeping_messages:config
Custom message (example for Spanish):
/data modify storage sleeping_messages:config messages[0] set value " esta durmiendo!"
Add message:
/data modify storage sleeping_messages:config messages append value " is zZzzZ..."
Custom colors:
/data modify storage sleeping_messages:config player_message_color set value "green"
/data modify storage sleeping_messages:config message_color set value "white"
Disable sleeping messages for a player:
/tag <player> add sleeping_messages.player.disabled
Enable sleeping messages for a player:
/tag <player> remove sleeping_messages.player.disabled
/datapack disable "file/"
/datapack enable "file/"