Graves to save items when players die!
This Data-Pack is not compatible with the keepInventory
and doImmediateRespawn
gamerules in true.
If you are updating this Data-Pack please run the command function graves:settings/reset
The graves in the end's void generate at Y = 1, and the graves that are under the lava will rise to the surface of the lava!
Version: 1.21.X
Move the downloaded file in the path .minecraft/saves/[world]/datapacks
Please report any bug/issues to the Discord Server in the bugs
channel, or create a issue in the Github Repostiroy, or a comment in Planet Minecraft.
Disable grave spawning on death:
/trigger graves.player.disabled set 1
Enable grave spawning on death:
/trigger graves.player.disabled set 0
/function graves:settings
Set graves despawn delay (20 ticks = 1 second):
/scoreboard players set despawn_delay graves.settings <ticks>
Loot narest grave:
/function graves:grave/loot/nearest
Loot all graves:
/function graves:grave/loot/all
Clear nearest grave:
/function graves:grave/clear/nearest
Clear all graves:
/function graves:grave/clear/all
Disable graves for a player:
/tag <player> add graves.player.disabled
Enable graves for a player:
/tag <player> remove graves.player.disabled
Prevent item/experience orb stored in a grave:
/tag @n[type=item] graves.bypass
/datapack disable "file/"
/datapack enable "file/"