Known to work with Dagger v0.9.8 only (for v0.9.5 support, see v0.1.0 release).
Check code, infrastructure-as-code and containers using Snyk from your Dagger pipelines.
export SNYK_TOKEN=<your-snyk-token>
Get this from your Snyk Account page.
Check the code in the current directory for vulnerabilities:
dagger call -m test-code --src . --token env:SNYK_TOKEN
Check the infrastructure-as-code (e.g. Terraform etc) in the current directory for issues:
dagger call -m test-iac --src . --token env:SNYK_TOKEN
Check the given container image for vulnerabilities:
dagger call -m test-container --image "alpine:latest" --token env:SNYK_TOKEN