An extension of miniirc (GitHub, GitLab) that adds more features.
Note that miniirc_extras is still in beta and there can and will be breaking API changes before v1.0.0, and miniirc_extras may not work with older versions of miniirc.
Some features here may be merged into miniirc eventually.
After importing miniirc_extras, features can be loaded with
, and once loaded can be accessed with
: Channel mode tracking, must be loaded while miniirc is disconnected.ensure_connection
: luk3yx/miniirc#15mp
: (WIP) Multiprocessing handlers for miniirc.testfeature
: Debuggingusers
: User tracking, must be loaded while miniirc is disconnected._json
(Proof-of-concept): Parse JSON messages.
adds rudimentary user tracking to miniirc.
User objects store the current user's information and user-defined data, and
can be accessed with irc.users[Hostmask]
or irc.users['nick']
The following items are available in User
Variable | Description |
nick |
The user's current nickname. |
ident |
The user's current ident. |
host |
The user's current hostname. |
realname |
The user's realname . |
hostmask |
A Hostmask object containing the user's hostmask. |
raw_hostmask |
A string containing nick!user@host . |
channels |
A set containing Channel objects for channels the user is currently in. |
account |
A string containing the user's current NickServ account, or None if the user isn't logged in. |
avatar_url |
The avatar URL of the user. Currently only IRCCloud avatars work. |
You can also set and get items with strings as keys and JSON-compatible objects as values.
objects have the following helper functions:
Function | Description |
msg(*text) |
Send a PRIVMSG to the user. |
me(*text) |
Send a CTCP ACTION (/me ) to the user. |
notice(*text) |
Send a NOTICE to the user. |
kick(channel, reason='') |
Kicks the user from channel (a string or Channel object). |
adds channel mode tracking on top of irc.users
. You can get
channels with irc.chans['#channel-name']
objects have the following attributes:
Variable | Description |
name |
The name of the channel. |
modes |
A ModeList object containing a list of modes. |
topic |
The channel topic. |
users |
A set containing User objects for members of this channel. |
ModeList objects store a list of modes, and have the following functions:
Function | Description |
getbool(mode) |
Returns True if mode (a single-character string) is set on the corresponding channel. Use this for +i , +t , etc |
getstr(mode, default=None) |
Return the parameter mode was set with, otherwise default . Use this for +k , +l , etc |
getset(mode) |
Return a frozenset containing all the entries stored in mode . If you plan to use this for modes such as +b , you may want to run MODE #channel +b when the bot/client joins the channel to populate the list. Use this for +b , +e , +o , +v , etc |
hasstr(mode) |
Returns True if mode is set with a single parameter, otherwise False . |
hasset(mode) |
Equivalent to len(getset(mode)) > 0 . |
You can access ModeList
objects like dict
s, however this will require
extra type checking code if you plan to use mypy or another type checker.
Multiprocessing handlers. You can create multiprocessing handlers with
. These handlers are called with the
limited RestrictedIRC
object (a subclass of AbstractIRC
) instead of the
normal IRC
The following functions/variables work with RestrictedIRC
, channels
, connect_modes
, ctcp
, debug
, ident
, ip
, isupport
, me
, msg
, nick
, notice
, persist
, port
, quit_message
, quote
, realname
, ssl
Trying to modify these variables will result in an AttributeError
or the set
operation silently failing.
The miniirc_extras.AbstractIRC
class provides an easy way to type check IRC
objects without stub files.
miniirc_extras adds the abstract-ish class miniirc_extras.Hostmask
from miniirc_extras import Hostmask
isinstance('test', Hostmask) # False
isinstance(('nick', 123, 'host'), Hostmask) # False
isinstance(('nick', 'user', 'host'), Hostmask) # True
Hostmask('nick', 'user', 'host') # ('nick', 'user', 'host')
Hostmask(123456, 'user', 'host') # TypeError
This API will probably change in the future.
You can create your own features with miniirc_extras.Feature
class MyFeature:
def test_func(self):
print('test_func called with', self._irc)
def __call__(self):
print('MyFeature called with', self._irc)
def __init__(self, irc):
self._irc = irc
Once registered, you can require
and use it:
irc.feature_name() # MyFeature called with <miniirc.IRC object>
irc.feature_name.test_func() # test_func called with <miniirc.IRC object>
Some miscellaneous functions and classes are located in miniirc_extras.utils
Function | Description |
DummyIRC(...) |
A subclass of miniirc.IRC that cannot connect to servers. DummyIRC.__init__ has no required parameters. |
dict_to_tags(tags) |
Converts a dict containing strings and booleans into an IRCv3 tags string. Example: dict_to_tags({'tag1': True, 'tag2': 'tag-data'}) → b'@tag1;tag2=tag-data ' |
get_raw_socket(irc) |
Attempts to get the raw socket from an AbstractIRC object. This is not recommended, and under no circumstances should you attempt to receive data using this socket. Only use this if there is no alternative. Raises a miniirc_extras.error if no socket can be found. |
tags_to_dict(tag_list, separator = ';') |
Converts a tags list (tag1;tag2=tag-data ) joined by separator into a dict containing strings and booleans. |
ircv3_message_parser(msg, *, colon=True) |
The same as miniirc.ircv3_message_parser , but also accepts bytes and bytearray s. The colon keyword argument works in the same way as the colon keyword argument on miniirc.Handler . |
hostmask_to_str(hostmask) |
Converts a Hostmask object into a nick!user@host string. |
ircv2_message_unparser(cmd, hostmask, tags, args, *, colon=True, encoding='utf-8') |
Converts miniirc-style message data into an IRCv2 message encoded with encoding (or None to return a str ). When colon is False , args[-1] will have a colon prepended to it. |
ircv3_message_unparser(cmd, hostmask, tags, args, *, colon=True, encoding='utf-8') |
The same as ircv2_message_unparser , but tags are added. |
namedtuple(...) |
Alias for collections.namedtuple on Python 3.7+, otherwise a wrapper that adds defaults and module keyword arguments. |
VersionInfo(major=0, minor=0, micro=0, releaselevel='final', serial=0) |
A namedtuple similar to type(sys.version_info) . |
Note that dict_to_tags
and tags_to_dict
are available in miniirc as
internal functions, however they can and will change.
Allows you to create IRC
objects from URLs, for example
will create
an IRC
object with the nickname nick
. Any keyword arguments passed to
are sent to IRC()
Allows you to create a group of handlers and apply them in bulk to IRC
Method | Description |
Handler(...) |
Adds a Handler to the group, uses the same syntax as irc.Handler . |
CmdHandler(...) |
Adds a CmdHandler to the group, uses the same syntax as irc.CmdHandler . |
add_to(irc_or_group) |
Adds all the handlers in this group to an IRC object or another handler group. |
copy() |
Returns another handler group with the same handlers as this one. |
An Enum
of most of the IRC numerics in RFC 1459, RFC 2812, and See
for a list of
numerics and their names.
import miniirc
from miniirc_extras.utils import numerics
@miniirc.Handler(numerics.RPL_WELCOME, colon=False)
def handler(irc, hostmask, args):
print('Connected to IRC!')
Another example:
>>> from miniirc_extras.utils import numerics
>>> numerics.RPL_ISUPPORT
<numerics.RPL_ISUPPORT: 005>
>>> numerics['RPL_MOTD']
<numerics.RPL_MOTD: 372>
>>> numerics(465)
>>> numerics('422')
<numerics.ERR_NOMOTD: 422>
>>> str(numerics.RPL_YOURHOST)
An asyncio-oriented version of miniirc.IRC
. Example:
import asyncio, time
from miniirc_extras import aioirc
irc = aioirc.AsyncIRC(ip, 6697, nickname, '#botwar', auto_connect=False)
@irc.Handler('PRIVMSG', colon=False)
def handle_privmsg(irc, hostmask, args):
if args[0] == '#botwar' and args[1] == '>thread_test':
irc.msg(args[0], '[Thread] Waiting 1 second...')
irc.msg(args[0], '[Thread] Done!')
@irc.Handler('PRIVMSG', colon=False)
async def handle_privmsg(irc, hostmask, args):
if args[0] == '#botwar' and args[1] == '>coro_test':
await irc.msg(args[0], '[Coroutine] Waiting 1 second...')
await asyncio.sleep(1)
await irc.msg(args[0], '[Coroutine] Done!')
if __name__ == '__main__':
This probably doesn't need to be used unless asyncio-based libraries need to be used.
Text formatting. Inspired by ircmessage.
The colours
(or colors
) enum contains colours and their corresponding code.
Do not use these to format text, instead use the below style
and colorize
Styler objects are callables that apply IRC formatting to strings.
miniirc_extras.formatting.Styler(fg=None, bg=None, *,
bold: bool = False, italics: bool = False, underline: bool = False,
reverse_colour: bool = False, strikethrough: bool = False,
spoiler: bool = False, monospace: bool = False, reset: bool = True)
Note that Styler
accepts both reverse_colour
and reverse_color
and bg
can be strings or values from the aforementioned Enum
The parameters passed to __init__
are available as attributes on the object,
for example styler.bold
Setting reset
to False
is not recommended, as when enabled it only resets
any changed formatting.
For cleaner code, you can also use, fg=None, ...)
from miniirc_extras import formatting
styler = formatting.Styler('red', bold=True, monospace=True)
msg = styler('Test message')
print(styler.fg) # < 04>
print(styler.fg) # None
print(styler.bold) # True
print(repr(msg)) # '\x11\x02\x0304Test message\x0399\x02\x11'
msg2 ='Test message', 'red', bold=True, monospace=True)
assert msg == msg2 # No error
print(repr(formatting.unstyle(msg))) # 'Test message'
There are a number of predefined Styler
s that are more efficient (if you are
only adding one style):
bold = Styler(bold=True)
italics = Styler(italics=True)
italic = italics
underline = Styler(underline=True)
reverse_colour = Styler(reverse_colour=True)
reverse_color = reverse_colour
strikethrough = Styler(strikethrough=True)
monospace = Styler(monospace=True)
spoiler = Styler(spoiler=True)
Lightweight stylers are subclassed from Styler
and will run slightly faster,
provided you are only changing one style.
You can also use miniirc_extras.formatting.colorize(text, fg)
miniirc_extras.formatting.colourise(text, fg)
) if you are only changing the
foreground colour/color for a similarly small speed improvement.
Note that, 'red', bold=True)
is recommended over
formatting.bold(formatting.colorize(text, 'red'))
, as it is more readable
and probably faster.
These functions still work for now but will probably be removed from miniirc_extras v1.0.0:
Now called miniirc_extras.utils.DummyIRC
Now called miniirc_extras.utils.VersionInfo
- To coincide with miniirc v2.0.0, all functions that take a
keyword argument here will default toFalse
(instead ofTrue
). This may change in miniirc_extras v1.0.0 instead. - If Python 3.5 is obsolete by the time miniirc_extras v1.0.0 is released, support may be dropped.