Car rental API made with Node.js and TypeScript during Ignite NodeJS
→ Docker
→ Node.js
→ TypeORM
→ Jest
→ Babel
→ Sentry
→ Car Registration
→ Car Update
→ Car Listing
→ Car Image Registration
→ Car Rental Registration
→ Car Category Registration
→ Car Spec Registration
→ Car Return
→ Car Rent History
→ Password Recovery
- should be able to register a new car.
- should be able to list all the created car specs.
- should not be able to register a car with an existent license place.
- should be able to register a car available by default.
- should not be able to register a new car in case the user is not an administrator.
- should be able to update car information.
- should be able to include/exclude one or more car specs.
- should be able to list all the updated car specs.
- should not be able to update a car with an unregistered car id.
- should not be able to include a new car spec when duplicate.
- should not be able to change a car's license plate.
- should not be able to register a new car spec in case the user is not an administrator.
- should be able to list all available cars.
- should be able to list all available cars by category.
- should be able to list all available cars by brand.
- should be able to list all available cars by name.
- should be able to list cars even for an unlogged in user.
- should be able to register a new car image.
- *should be able to list all image cars.
- use multer to upload files.
- should be able to register more than one image per car.
- should not be able to register a new car image in case the user is not an administrator.
- should be able to register a new car rental.
- should be able to change the car availability when it is rented.
- should not be able to register a new car rental to a user with an active car rental.
- should not be able to register a new car rental for an already rented car.
- should not be able to rent a car expecting to return it before 24 hours of rental.
- should be able to create a new category.
- should not be able to create a new category with a name that already exists.
- should not be able to create a new category in case the user is not an administrator.
- should be able to list all categories.
- should be able to create a new specification.
- should not be able to create a new specification with a name that already exists.
- should be able to make a car return.
- should be able to charge daily rate if returned with less than 24 hours.
- should be able to release the car when it is returned.
- should be able to release a user when the user returns a car.
- should be able to calculate the total rental amount when a car is returned.
- should be able to charge an additional rent amount if the return is late, based on the time delayed.
- should be able to add rental penalties to the total rental amount.
- should be able to list all user rents.
- should not be able to list rents if the user is not logged in.
- should be able to a user reset his/her password informing his/her e-mail.
- password recovery link expires in 3 hours
- should be able to send an e-mail with password recovery instructions.
- should not be able to send a password recovery e-mail to a non-existing user.
- should be able to generate a forgotten password refresh token.
- should be able to reset user password with the new password informed.
- should not be able to use an expired recovery password e-mail link.
→ AWS EC2 - Connect to your Linux instance using SSH
→ AWS EC2 - Manage user accounts on your Amazon Linux instance
→ PM2/NGINX - How To Set Up a Node.js Application for Production on Ubuntu 20.04
→ AWS Route 53 - Making Amazon Route 53 the DNS service for an existing domain
→ Certbot - Automatically use Let’s Encrypt certificates to enable HTTPS