You must manually install a Webserver. If you are done make this:
git clone
cd Stechzeiten
chmod +x
Enable the SPI in the raspi-config menu, then install a web server of your choice and the requiered depencies to use
sudo apt install {your webserver} mariadb-common mariadb-server python3-dev python3-pip tmux -y
after that we need also python packages, were are installed with:
sudo pip3 install spidev
sudo pip3 install mfrc522
sudo pip3 install mysql
sudo pip3 install mysql-connector-python-rf
Then clone my repository with:
git clone
and copy all files from the website folder in your webservers root path then you can edit or run to create the struct in MYSQL/Maria-DB, you can also use my systemd unit who i created and put the folder stechzeiten in /etc/ or you can run it manually with:
python3 stechzeiten/
and thats all, now can use it.