This repository is a Java implementation of XCloud which provides common AI services (computer vision, NLP, data mining and etc.) with RESTful APIs. It allows you to serve your machine learning models with few lines of code. The platform is developed and maintained by @LucasX based on SSM (SpringMVC, Spring and MyBatis) and DeepLearning4J.
To make use of this repository, you should have several softwares installed on your machine.
- JDK1.8 or higer
- deeplearning4j
- Python3.X is required(Python3.5 or 3.6 is recommended)
- Maven support
- MySQL should be 5.7 or higher
- Tomcat 8 or higher (Ngix will also be fine)
- In order to handle with captcha, you should have tessdata directory in your project
- Compile OpenCV3.2, if you config this project in IntelliJ IDEA, you should set your VM Options as follows:
To make this repo works normally, you'd better have several 3rd party library installed on your machine
XCloud in Java is no longer maintained, please refer to XCloud in Python to keep up with state-of-the-art models.