All the data included in this repository is originally available from the main ACL anthology:
Download all the index listings:
cat ~/github/acl/conferences.yaml | yaml2json | jq -r '.[] | .volumes | .[]' | xargs -I {} make -j 2 {}/index.html
Parse them:
find . -name index.html | sed s/.html/.html.json/ | xargs make -j 2
Download all of the PDFs:
cat ?/???/index.html.json | jq -r .pdf.url | egrep '^.{18}$' | xargs make -j 2
Use pdfi
to extract each PDF into its academia.Paper
find . -name "???-????.pdf" | sed s/.pdf/.pdf.json/ | xargs make -j 2
Use academia
to determine links in the academia.Paper
find . -name "???-????.pdf.json" | sed s/.pdf.json/.pdf.linked.json/ | xargs make -j 2
Use tex-node
to convert each BibTeX file into its tex.models.BibTeXEntry
find . -name "???-????.bib" | sed s/.bib/.bib.json/ | xargs make -j 2
Use remote server to do parsing:
curl -XPOST -s --connect-timeout 600 -T $< http://pdfi-server:8080/readFile?type=paper -o $@
Delete *.pdf.json
files modified earlier than a week ago:
find . -name '*.pdf.json' -mtime +7 -delete
Delete all empty *.json
find . -name '*.json' -size 0 -delete
Delete all *.pdf.json
files for which remote server parsing failed:
ag -G '.pdf.json' '502 Bad Gateway' -l | xargs -n 10 rm
Delete all *.pdf.json
files with invalid JSON:
find . -name '*.pdf.json' | xargs json-check | xargs rm
Materials published in 2015 and years prior are made available under the CC BY-NC-SA license.
Third party, non-ACL publications (e.g., COLING, LREC materials) that are made available under agreement through the ACL Anthology will continue to retain their original copyrights from the respective party.
Starting 1 January 2016, all subsequently published ACL conference and workshop publications will be using the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0) to better meet our members' needs for open access to their publications by the public, as agreed to by the ACL executive board in its summer meeting in Beijing, China (during ACL-IJCNLP 2015).