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Extends BetterDiscord emote menu to add a tab with LINE stickers to it
※ to enable Dark theme, enable Dark mode in BetterDiscord settings
- Install BetterDiscord
- Install the plugin
- Open the folder at
by navigating there via File Explorer of your choice - Drop the plugin
off there
- Open the folder at
- Restart Discord (Ctrl + R or a method of your choice)
- Make sure the plugin is enabled
- Open
User Settings
, you should see plugin in the list, enable it by checking the box
- Open
- Open the Emote menu, you should see a LINE tab in there
Move your cursor into the right part of the title, you'll see two icons there
Click on the cross icon and confirm deletion
Click on the pen icon, edit the name, then either press Enter
or click away
※ In case of an emergency, you can edit the config at %appdata%\BetterDiscord\plugins\lineemotes.config.json
manually, after making changes, please fully restart Discord by closing it and opening it again
You can find them on LINE Store
※ No, you don't need to buy them
To add a sticker pack you'll need:
- it's title
- the ID of a first sticker
- total count of stickers in a pack
There are two ways of adding stickers:
- via tab in emote menu
- via Discord console
Open the tab by pressing the plus sign at the bottom
The following form should show up:
Enter the title, amount of stickers in a pack and the ID of the first sticker and press
Open the developer tools by pressing
Ctrl + Shift + I
In a console, execute the following command:
lineemotes.appendPack(`title`, first_sticker_id, sticker count)
※ for examplelineemotes.appendPack(`Miko sister of fox`, 1133826, 40)
If you're using Greasemonkey or Tampermonkey you can download a user script that will show you the title, first sticker ID, amount of stickers and append string on the page
Similar to user script above, you can run the following scary looking line of JavaScript in your browser's console. It will output the same thing script above would.
※ You can access the console by opening Developer Tools from context menu by right clicking somewhere on the page or using the same Ctrl + Shift + I hotkey to open Developer Tools
console.log('Title: ' + $('.mdCMN08Ttl').text() + '\nFirst sticker ID: ' + $('.mdCMN09Image').first().css('background-image').slice($('.mdCMN09Image').first().css('background-image').search('/products/') + 10).slice(0, $('.mdCMN09Image').first().css('background-image').slice($('.mdCMN09Image').first().css('background-image').search('/products/') + 10).search('/android/')).slice($('.mdCMN09Image').first().css('background-image').slice($('.mdCMN09Image').first().css('background-image').search('/products/') + 10).slice(0, $('.mdCMN09Image').first().css('background-image').slice($('.mdCMN09Image').first().css('background-image').search('/products/') + 10).search('/android/')).lastIndexOf('/') + 1) + '\nLength: ' + $('.mdCMN09Li').length.toString() + '\nAppend string:\n' + 'lineemotes.appendPack(`' + $('.mdCMN08Ttl').text() + '`, ' + $('.mdCMN09Image').first().css('background-image').slice($('.mdCMN09Image').first().css('background-image').search('/products/') + 10).slice(0, $('.mdCMN09Image').first().css('background-image').slice($('.mdCMN09Image').first().css('background-image').search('/products/') + 10).search('/android/')).slice($('.mdCMN09Image').first().css('background-image').slice($('.mdCMN09Image').first().css('background-image').search('/products/') + 10).slice(0, $('.mdCMN09Image').first().css('background-image').slice($('.mdCMN09Image').first().css('background-image').search('/products/') + 10).search('/android/')).lastIndexOf('/') + 1) + ', ' + $('.mdCMN09Li').length.toString() + ')')
Sticker ID can be found in a sticker URL, the said URL can be extracted from a page by right clicking on a sticker and inspecting the element
Just count them =P
Default sticker count is 40, which is the standard for most sticker packs, however, some packs, usually animated, can be an exception to this
You can resize the LINE tab using the following commands in console:
lineemotes.menu.setSize(width, height)
※ for example lineemotes.menu.setSize(494, 326)
Some sticker packs might greet you with the message above
One way to get sticker IDs is to download the pack using the API endpoint that LINE app is using, use the following template
For example https://dl.stickershop.line.naver.jp/products/0/0/1/2999/android/stickers.zip
for the pack above
Note: you can find the pack ID in the page's URL
Using a file archiver of your choice, open the zip file, find the sticker with the lowest ID, that will be the first sticker ID
※ assuming sticker count is 40, if the zip file doesn't contain 83 files (40 stickers, 40 thumbnails, 2 category icons, 1 metadata file), set the sticker count accordingly
Copy and paste the CSS patch into Custom CSS