A wrapper for ZeptoMail's transactional email API.
Add this package to your Gleam project:
gleam add zeptomail
And then send some email!
import gleam/httpc
import zeptomail.{Addressee}
pub fn main() {
let key = "your-api-key-here"
// Create an email to send
let email = zeptomail.Email(
from: Addressee("Mike", "mike@example.com"),
to: [Addressee("Joe", "joe@example.com")],
reply_to: [],
cc: [Addressee("Robert", "robert@example.com")],
bcc: [],
body: zeptomail.TextBody("Hello, Mike!"),
subject: "Hello, Joe!",
// Prepare an API request that sends the email
let request = zeptomail.email_request(email, key)
// Send the API request using `gleam_httpc`
let assert Ok(response) = httpc.send(request)
// Parse the API response to verify success
let assert Ok(data) = zeptomail.decode_email_response(response)