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A clean, lightweight toast notification library for React.

Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


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⚠️ Please note that this is an old project and does not reflect the quality of my current work.

React Toast Notifications

A clean, lightweight toast notification library for React.

# React Toast Notifications

Quick Start

  1. Wrap your tree in a ToastNotificationsProvider.
import { ToastNotificationsProvider } from "@louis-young/react-toast-notifications";

// ...

  1. Use the useToastNotifications hook.
import { useToastNotifications } from "@louis-young/react-toast-notifications";

// ...

const toast = useToastNotificationsContext();
  1. Create a toast notification.
toast.success("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet");




A context provider that provides the toast notifications context to it's descendants.

// ...

  options: {
}: {
  children: ReactNode;
  options?: {
    shouldAutomaticallyDismiss?: boolean;
    areNotificationsDismissible?: boolean;
    duration?: number;
}) => JSX.Element;
  • children

The tree you wrap the provider in.

  • options
options?: {
    shouldAutomaticallyDismiss?: boolean;
    areNotificationsDismissible?: boolean;
    duration?: number;
  • shouldAutomaticallyDismiss

Defaults to true.

A boolean to determine whether or not the toast notifications should automatically dismiss.

NOTE: This can be overridden by specifying this option when creating a toast notification.

  • areNotificationsDismissible

Defaults to false.

A boolean to determine whether or not the toast notifications should be dismissible.

NOTE: This can be overridden by specifying this option when creating a toast notification.

  • duration

Defaults to 4000.

The duration the toast notification is visible for in milliseconds.

NOTE: This can be overridden by specifying this option when creating a toast notification.


The tree you wrap the provider in, wrapped in the toast notifications context provider.



A hook that exposes functions to create a toast notification of any type.

import { useToastNotifications } from "@louis-young/react-toast-notifications";

// ...

const toast = useToastNotifications();

// ...

toast.information("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet");

// Or with options...

toast.information("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet", {
  shouldAutomaticallyDismiss: true,
  isDismissible: false,
  duration: 4 * 1000, // Four seconds.

// Or...

const { success, information, warning, error } = useToastNotifications();

information("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet");

// Or with options...

information("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet", {
  shouldAutomaticallyDismiss: true,
  isDismissible: false,
  duration: 4 * 1000, // Four seconds.
  success: (
    text: string,
    options?: {
      shouldAutomaticallyDismiss?: boolean;
      isDismissible?: boolean;
      duration?: number;
  ) => { id: string; text: string; type: "success" },
  information: (
    text: string,
    options?: {
      shouldAutomaticallyDismiss?: boolean;
      isDismissible?: boolean;
      duration?: number;
    }) => { id: string; text: string; type: "information" },
  warning: (
    text: string,
    options?: {
      shouldAutomaticallyDismiss?: boolean;
      isDismissible?: boolean;
      duration?: number;
    }) => { id: string; text: string; type: "warning" },
  error: (
    text: string,
    options?: {
      shouldAutomaticallyDismiss?: boolean;
      isDismissible?: boolean;
      duration?: number;
    }) => { id: string; text: string; type: "error" },
  • success - A function to create a success toast notification.
  text: string,
  options?: {
    shouldAutomaticallyDismiss?: boolean;
    isDismissible?: boolean;
    duration?: number;
) => {
  id: string;
  text: string;
  type: "success";
  • information - A function to create an information toast notification.
  text: string,
  options?: {
    shouldAutomaticallyDismiss?: boolean;
    isDismissible?: boolean;
    duration?: number;
) => {
  id: string;
  text: string;
  type: "information";
  • warning - A function to create a warning toast notification.
  text: string,
  options?: {
    shouldAutomaticallyDismiss?: boolean;
    isDismissible?: boolean;
    duration?: number;
) => {
  id: string;
  text: string;
  type: "warning";
  • error - A function to create an error toast notification.
  text: string,
  options?: {
    shouldAutomaticallyDismiss?: boolean;
    isDismissible?: boolean;
    duration?: number;
) => {
  id: string;
  text: string;
  type: "error";


A hook that exposes functions to create, update and delete toast notifications from the toast notifications context.

import { useToastNotificationsContext } from "@louis-young/react-toast-notifications";

// ...

const { createToastNotification, updateToastNotification, deleteToastNotification } = useToastNotificationsContext();

// ...

 * The create and update functions return the whole toast
 * notification so you can easily programmatically
 * update a notification's text or type.

const { id, text, type } = createToastNotification({
  text: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet",
  type: "success",

 * Update the toast notification's text.

updateToastNotification({ id, { text: "Updated toast notification", type }});

 * The update function also returns the whole toast
 * notification, although it will typically already
 * be in scope from creation.

 * Update the toast notification's type.

updateToastNotification({ id, { text, type: "information" }});

 * Delete the toast notification.

deleteToastNotification({ id });


  createToastNotification: (
    toastNotification: { text: string; type: "success" | "information" | "warning" | "error" }
  ) => { id: string; text: string; type: "success" | "information" | "warning" | "error" },
  updateToastNotification: ({
  }: {
    id: string;
    updatedToastNotification: { text: string; type: "success" | "information" | "warning" | "error" };
  }) => { id: string; text: string; type: "success" | "information" | "warning" | "error" },
  deleteToastNotification: ({ id }: { id: string }) => void
  • createToastNotification - A function to create a toast notification.
(toastNotification: {
  text: string;
  type: "success" | "information" | "warning" | "error";
}) => {
  id: string;
  text: string;
  type: "success" | "information" | "warning" | "error";
  • updateToastNotification - A function to update a toast notification.
({id: string, updatedToastNotification: {
  text: string;
  type: "success" | "information" | "warning" | "error";
}}) => {
  id: string;
  text: string;
  type: "success" | "information" | "warning" | "error";
  • deleteToastNotification - A function to delete a toast notification.
({id: string }) => void;