A iOS PhoneGap Plugin which functions as a bridge between console.log to NSLog
#How to setup:
- create a new file named rmnzr.console.log.js in www/plugins/
- copy & paste :
var RMLogger = { //Phonegap.exec(successCallback, failCallback, pluginName, action, [args]). log: function(level, message) {
return Cordova.exec(null, null, "com.rmnzr.console", "log", message);
- Add a new entry to Plugins dictionary in Cordova.plist: Key: com.rmnzr.console Value: RMConsoleLogger
// Somewhere in your js (after deviceready event fired)
RMLogger.log("log", ["Hey", {l:'hello',k:'world'}]);
##Outputs: key: l value: hello key: k value: world argument atIndex 0: value: Hey
#Customize: To disable pretty printing the output comment out this line: #define RM_PRETTY_PRINT_ON