A reasonably fast, powerful, and extensible dice engine for D&D, and any other systems that need dice.
- Easy to get started.
should cover most common cases. - Optimized for speed and memory efficiency.
- Extensible API to customize behaviours and formatting of dice.
- Execution limits built in.
- Tree-like expression representation for easy manipulation.
Python 3.12 or higher required.
$ pip install git+https://github.com/lmaotrigine/dice
If numpy
is installed, a PCG64DXSM random number generator is used, which
provides better performance and quality than the standard library. You can
install this package with numpy
using the pcg
$ pip install 'lmaotrigine-dice[pcg] @ git+https://github.com/lmaotrigine/dice'
>>> import dice
>>> result = dice.roll('1d20+5')
>>> str(result)
'1d20 (14) + 5 = `19`'
>>> result.total
>>> result.crit
<Crit.none: 0>
>>> str(result.ast)
'1d20 + 5'
This is the grammar supported by the parser, roughly in binding order
The smallest syntactical units.
Name | Syntax | Description | Examples |
literal | INTEGER | DECIMAL |
A literal number | 1 , 3.14 , .4 |
dice | INTEGER? "d" (INTEGER | "%") |
NdS : N dice of S sides |
d20 , 3d8 |
set | "(" (expr ("," expr)* ","?)? ")" |
A set of expressions | () , (1,) , (1, 3 + 3, 1d20) |
Note that (3d8)
is equivalent to 3d8
, but (3d8,)
is the set
containing a single 3d8
element. This mirrors Python syntax for tuples.
Operations that can be performed on dice and sets. They are expressed as
operator selector
pairs, where operator
is applied on each item that
satisfies selector
Operators are followed by a selector, and are applied to the items that match the selector
Name | Syntax | Description |
keep | k |
Keep only matched values |
drop | p |
Drop matched values |
re-roll | rr |
Dice only. Re-roll matched values until there are no matches |
re-roll once | ro |
Dice only. Re-roll matched values once |
re-roll and add | ra |
Dice only. Re-roll the first matched value once, keeping the original roll |
explode on | e |
Dice only. Roll another dice for each matched value |
minimum | mi |
Dice only. Set the minimum value for each die |
maximum | ma |
Dice only. Set the maximum value for each die |
Selectors match values from kept values in dice or a set
Name | Syntax | Description |
literal | X |
Match values in the set that are exactly X |
highest | hX |
Match the highest X values in the set |
lowest | lX |
Match the lowest X values in the set |
greater than | >X |
Match values in the set that are greater than X |
less than | <X |
Match values in the set that are less than X |
Name | Syntax | Description |
positive | +X |
No-op |
negative | -X |
Negates the value of X |
PEMDAS precedence. Boolean operators are coerced to integers
Name | Syntax |
multiplication | X * Y |
division | X / Y |
integer division (rounded down) | X // Y |
Euclidean modulus | X % Y |
addition | X + Y |
subtraction | X - Y |
equality | X == Y |
greater than or equal | X >= Y |
less than or equal | X <= Y |
less than | X < Y |
greater than | X > Y |
inequality | X != Y |
>>> from dice import roll
>>> r = roll('4d6kh3') # highest 3 of 4 6-sided dice
>>> r.total
>>> str(r)
'4d6kh3 (~~**1**~~, 5, 4, 5) = `14`'
>>> r = roll('2d6ro<3') # roll 2d6s, then re-roll any 1s or 2s once
>>> r.total
>>> str(r)
'2d6ro<3 (**~~1~~**, **6**, 4) = `10`'
>>> r = roll('8d6mi2') # roll 8d6s, with each roll having a minimum value of 2
>>> r.total
>>> str(r)
'8d6mi2 (4, **6**, **6**, **6**, 1 -> 2, 2, 5, 2) = `33`'
>>> r = roll('(1d4 + 1, 3, 2d6kl1)kh1') # the highest of 1d4+1, 3, and the lower of 2 d6s
>>> r.total
>>> str(r)
'(~~1d4 (2) + 1~~, ~~3~~, 2d6kl1 (~~5~~, 4))kh1 = `4`'
By default, the result of each dice roll is formatted in Markdown. This might not be useful in your application.
To change this behaviour, you can create a subclass of the abstract class
(or dice.SimpleFormatter
for a base implementation), and
implement the _format_*
methods to customize how each node type in the
expression tree is formatted. You can then pass an instance of this class to the
>>> import dice
>>> class MyFormatter(dice.SimpleFormatter):
... def _format(self, node):
... if not node.kept:
... return '\N{CROSS MARK}'
... return super()._format(node)
... def _format_expression(self, node):
... return f'The result of the roll {self._format(node.roll)} was {int(node.total)}'
>>> result = dice.roll('4d6e6kh3', formatter=MyFormatter())
>>> str(result)
'The result of the roll 4d6e6kh3 (6!, β, 5, 5, β) was 16'
Each expression node supports value annotations - a method to assign parts of an expression a tag. For example,
>>> from dice import roll
>>> str(roll('3d6 [fire] + 1d4 [piercing]'))
'3d6 (4, 3, 3) [fire] + 1d4 (**4**) [piercing] = `14`'
>>> str(roll('-(1d8 + 3) [healing]'))
'-(1d8 (4) + 3) [healing] = `-7`'
>>> str(roll('(1 [one], 2 [two], 3 [three])'))
'(1 [one], 2 [two], 3 [three]) = `6`'
Annotations are purely visual and do not affect the evaluation of the roll.
When allow_comments=True
is passed to roll()
, the result of the roll may
have a comment. A comment is free text attached to the end of an expression
and is any sequence of characters that cannot be parsed.
>>> from dice import roll
>>> result = roll('1d20 I rolled a d20', allow_comments=True)
>>> str(result)
'1d20 (15) = `15`'
>>> result.comment
'I rolled a d20'
When allow_comments
is set to True
, caching of parse results is
disabled, which may lead to performance degradation over time.
The raw results of rolls are represented as dice.Expression
>>> from dice import roll
>>> result = roll('3d6 + 1d4 + 3')
>>> str(result)
'3d6 (2, 5, 4) + 1d4 (3) + 3 = `17`'
>>> result.expr
<Expression roll=<BinOp left=<BinOp left=<Dice num=3 sides=6 values=[<Die sides=6 values=[<Literal 2>]>, <Die sides=6 values=[<Literal 5>]>, <Die sides=6 values=[<Literal 4>]>] ops=[]> op=+ right=<Dice num=1 sides=4 values=[<Die sides=4 values=[<Literal 3>]>] ops=[]>> op=+ right=<Literal 3>> comment=None>
In a prettier format:
<Die sides=6 values=[<Literal 2>]>,
<Die sides=6 values=[<Literal 5>]>,
<Die sides=6 values=[<Literal 4>]>
<Die sides=4 values=[<Literal 3>]>
right=<Literal 3>
The Expression.children
property returns a list of nodes that constitute the
expression from left to right, each of which may have children of their own.
This behaves like a regular tree, and is therefore well suited for operations
such as locating a specific die, finding the leftmost or rightmost leaf,
changing the result to include resistance or other modifications, etc.
Finding the leftmost/rightmost operands
>>> from dice import roll
>>> binop = roll('1 + 2 + 3 + 4')
>>> left = binop.expr
>>> while left.children:
... left = left.children[0]
>>> left
<Literal 1>
>>> right = binop.expr
>>> while right.children:
... right = right.children[-1]
>>> right
<Literal 4>
>>> from dice import utils # these patterns are available in this module
>>> utils.leftmost(binop.expr)
<Literal 1>
>>> utils.rightmost(binop.expr)
<Literal 4>
Searching for the d4
>>> from dice import Dice, SimpleFormatter, roll, utils
>>> mixed = roll('-1d8 + 4 - (3, 1d4)kh1')
>>> str(mixed)
'-1d8 (5) + 4 - (3, ~~1d4 (**1**)~~)kh1 = `-4`'
>>> root = mixed.expr
>>> result = utils.dfs(root, lambda node: type(node) is Dice and node.num == 1 and node.sides == 4)
>>> result
<Dice num=1 sides=4 values=[<Die sides=4 values=[<Literal 1>]>] ops=[]>
>>> SimpleFormatter().format(result)
'1d4 (1)'
By default, the parser caches the 256 most frequently used dice expressions,
which allows a significant speed-up when rolling the same kind of dice
numerous times. When allow_comments
is set to True
, the results of that
roll are not cached. Here are some hasty, rudimentary benchmarks that are only
representative of relative speed-up
With caching:
$ python -m timeit -s 'from dice import roll' 'roll("1d20")'
50000 loops, best of 5: 4.65 usec per loop
$ python -m timeit -s 'from dice import roll' 'roll("100d20")'
1000 loops, best of 5: 198 usec per loop
$ python -m timeit -s 'from dice import roll; expr = "1d20 + " * 50 + "1d20"' 'roll(expr)'
2000 loops, best of 5: 159 usec per loop
$ python -m timeit -s 'from dice import roll' 'roll("10d20rr<20")'
500 loops, best of 5: 483 usec per loop
Without caching:
$ python -m timeit -s 'from dice import roll' 'roll("1d20")'
10000 loops, best of 5: 29.3 usec per loop
$ python -m timeit -s 'from dice import roll' 'roll("100d20")'
1000 loops, best of 5: 241 usec per loop
$ python -m timeit -s 'from dice import roll; expr = "1d20 + " * 50 + "1d20"' 'roll(expr)'
200 loops, best of 5: 1.14 msec per loop
$ python -m timeit -s 'from dice import roll' 'roll("10d20rr<20")'
500 loops, best of 5: 541 usec per loop