This supplementary material for the paper "Enhancing the Accuracy and Comprehensibility in Architectural Tactics Detection via Small Model-Augmented Prompt Engineering" is organized as follows:
- The ATs balanced The training dataset used by Prmt4TD includes preprocessed data and raw Java files.
- Hadoop case The test dataset used by Prmt4TD includes preprocessed data and raw Java files.
Note: We obtained the Hadoop case data from the papers "Keim J, Kaplan A, Koziolek A, et al. Does BERT understand code?–An exploratory study on the detection of architectural tactics in code[C]//European Conference on Software Architecture. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020: 220-228." and "Mirakhorli M, Cleland-Huang J. Detecting, tracing, and monitoring architectural tactics in code[J]. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2016, 42(3): 205-220.", but they did not provide the raw Java files. All the raw code files in the Hadoop case were collected by us based on the file paths.