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A realtime drawing game showcasing the use of LiveKit data capabilities in an Agents-based app.


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This LiveKit example project is a realtime drawing game where players compete to complete a drawing prompt as fast as possible, while being judged by a realtime AI agent that oversees the whole game.

It demonstrates the use of LiveKit's realtime data messages, room metadata, RPC, participant management, token generation, and realtime audio chat in a real-world app built on the LiveKit JS SDK, React Components, Python agents SDK, and Python Server API.

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This is a short overview of how this game was built. The entire codebase is also annotated with comments that go into more detail. The agent directory contains the code for the realtime agent (built on LiveKit Agents). The web directory contains the code for the game frontend (built on Next.js with LiveKit React Components).

Rooms & Participants

Each game is hosted in a single LiveKit room where each player is a standard participant. The room is reused between games, so the same group of players can complete multiple games back-to-back.

Each room also contains a single LiveKit agent that handles game logic and serves as the realtime backend for the game.

A player limit of 12 is enforced by the agent, which kicks any participant joining after that limit is reached.

Game State

Game state is stored in the room metadata. Each player observes it and updates local UI accordingly, but only the agent is responsible for updating it.

  • game_state.started: Whether a game is currently in progress
  • game_state.prompt: The current drawing prompt (must be non-null if the game has started)
  • game_state.difficulty: The difficulty of the current round
  • List of players (by identity) who won the most recent game (cleared when a new game starts)


Drawings are stored as an unordered set of line segments, each represented by a start point and end point. When a player clears their drawing, or a new game starts, the set is emptied.

Drawing updates are published using realtime data messages with the topics player.draw_line and player.clear_drawing. Drawings are stored in unit coordinates, which each point between 0 and 1 to be size-agnostic. However, when sent as a data message each segment is serialized as four 16-bit integers (representing x1, y1, x2, y2) between 0 and 65535 to minimize the message size. Each player, and the agent, reconsitutes the full drawing from these messages.

When a player joins an in-progress game, they retrieve the current drawing state from each player with RPC by calling player.get_drawing.

Game Control

Players have access to a simple API for game control, built on top of RPC to the agent.

  • host.start_game: Starts a new game with the given string prompt (leave blank for a random prompt)
  • host.update_difficulty: Updates the difficulty setting for the next game
  • host.end_game: Ends the current game without a winner


The agent is responsible for judging each player's drawing. It runs a single loop that wakes up every few seconds. On a judgement loop, the agent will:

  1. Convert each player's drawing from a set of line segments to a 512x512 PNG image.
  2. Send each drawing to a GPT-4o chat which is configured to "guess" what the drawing is meant to be. (Note: The actual target "prompt" is not included in this request, to avoid polluting its context.)
  3. Collects all guesses and sends them to a different GPT-4o chat which is configured to return a list of all players whose guesses are "correct" (i.e. similar enough to the target prompt).
  4. All guesses are published as data messages to all players, using the topic host.guess.
  5. If any winners were found, the agent updates the game state to end the game and list the winners. Otherwise it sleeps for a few seconds and checks again.

Audio Chat

Realtime chat is enabled within each room by publishing the local microphone and rendering the room audio.

Ideas & What's Next?

Learn to build with LiveKit by adding one of the following features, or come up with your own!

  • Add a scoreboard that shows how many wins each player has racked up
  • Have the AI agent make its guesses and announce winners with realtime audio as well as text
    • We'd try using a LiveKit Text-To-Speech (TTS) plugin
    • To make it perfect, have the agent publish a different audio track to each participant so they can hear the guesses for everyone else in realtime
  • Add a room list on the front page that shows open rooms and lets you join any of them
    • We'd use the List Rooms Server API in a Next.js API route
  • Add support for multiple brush sizes and colors
    • You'll need to extend the data format for Line to record brush size and color

Development & Running Locally

You'll need a LiveKit instance to run this project, either from LiveKit Cloud or Self-hosted.

Running the Agent


Then run the following commands to install dependencies:

cd agent
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Finally, boot the agent:

python dev

Running the Site

First add web/.env.local with LIVEKIT_API_KEY, LIVEKIT_API_SECRET, and LIVEKIT_URL.

Then run the following commands to install dependencies:

cd web
pnpm install

Finally, start the site:

pnpm dev


A realtime drawing game showcasing the use of LiveKit data capabilities in an Agents-based app.







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