Polymer.jl defines a common interface to describe a polymer system.
Warning: Be aware that this package is currently under active development. The interface is highly unstable and subjects to change frequently.
julia> using Polymer
# Create A and B monomers.
julia> sA = KuhnSegment(:A)
julia> sB = KuhnSegment(:B)
# Create free end and branch point (joint)
julia> eA = FreeEnd(:A1)
julia> eAB = BranchPoint(:AB)
julia> eB = FreeEnd(:B1)
# Create A and B blocks
julia> A = PolymerBlock(:A, sA, 0.5, eA, eAB)
julia> B = PolymerBlock(:B, sB, 0.5, eB, eAB)
# Create a AB diblock copolymer chain
julia> chainAB = BlockCopolymer(:AB, [A,B])
# Create a homopolymer chain
julia> hA = PolymerBlock(:hA, sA, 1.0, FreeEnd(), FreeEnd())
julia> chainA = BlockCopolymer(:hA, [hA])
# Create components
julia> polymerAB = Component(chainAB; ϕ=0.5)
julia> polymerA = Component(chainA; ϕ=0.5)
# Create AB/A polymer blend system.
julia> AB_A = PolymerSystem([polymerAB, polymerA]; χN_map=Dict([:A, :B]=>20.0))
Convenient functions are also provided to create common polymer chains and systems. For example, above AB chain, A chain, AB/A polymer blend system can be simply created by a single line of code, respectively.
julia> diblock_chain() # AB chain
julia> homopolymer_chain() # A chain
julia> AB_A_system() # AB/A polymer blend
julia> abc = linear_ABC()
julia> Polymer.block_labels(abc) # get block labels
julia> ab_a = AB_A_system()
julia> Polymer.block_labels(:AB, ab_a) # get block labels of a specific component
Available properties are listed below:
specie_object, specie_objects, isconfined, ischarged, χN, χNmap, χNmatrix, multicomponent, ncomponents, specie, species, nspecies, systemtype, component_number_type, specie_number_type, label, name, components, component, component_label, component_id, ϕs, ϕ, α, αs, molecules, molecule, molecule_label, molecule_id, molecule_labels, molecule_ids, isfreeblockend, block_ends, segment, nblocks, blocks, block_label, block_labels, block_id, block_ids, block_lengths, block_length, block_specie, block_bs, block_b, b, bs, getparam, ϕ̄
Parameters in a parameters can be achieved or updated easily via update!
or setparam!
function. There are two kinds of parameter defined by AbstractParameter
and AbstractControlParameter
, respectively. The first kind makes lower level setting of parameters possible. However, it is more complicated and the signature of update!
is less unified. The second kind provides a convenient and unified way to read and write a PolymerSystem instance. However, it only supports update a single value of any parameter. One can use AbstractControlParameter
to define a parameter which is considered to be an independent variable in a set of simulations or for construction of a phase diagram. Currently, there are 5 concrete types of AbstractControlParameter
julia> system = AB_A_system()
# ϕAB = 0.5, ϕA = 0.5
julia> ϕA = ϕControlParameter(:hA, system) # ϕA is the control parameter
julia> update!(system, 0.6, ϕA) # ϕAB will be updated accordingly due to the conservation of mass.
# ϕAB = 0.4, ϕA = 0.6
For more details, consult the testing codes reside in test
Based on Configurations.jl, we can serialize a PolymerSystem
object to a PolymerSystemConfig
object. Then the PolymerSystemConfig
object can be saved to a YAML file.
julia> config = to_config(AB_A_system())
julia> save_config("./AB_A.yml", config)
We can load the PolymerSystemConfig
object back from the YAML file. Then we can re-construct the PolymerSystem
object from the PolymerSystemConfig
julia> config = load_config("./AB_A.yml", PolymerSystemConfig)
julia> AB_A = Polymer.make(config)
# or
julia> AB_A = PolymerSystem(config)
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- Contact the author via email lyx@fudan.edu.cn.