Status code Description
200 Success
400 Bad request
403 There was an error with the certificate or with the provider authentication token
405 The request used a bad :method value. Only POST requests are supported.
410 The device token is no longer active for the topic.
413 The notification payload was too large.
429 The server received too many requests for the same device token.
500 Internal server error
503 The server is shutting down and unavailable.
1 初始化服务
// 读取证书
InputStream is = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("zhengshu.p12");
ApnsConfig config = new ApnsConfig();
config.setName("name1");// 推送服务名称
config.setDevEnv(false);// 是否是开发环境
config.setKeyStore(is);// 证书
config.setPassword("111111");// 证书密码
config.setPoolSize(1);// 线程池大小
config.setTimeout(3000);// TCP连接超时时间
config.setTopic("com.push");// 标题,即证书的bundleID
2 推送
Payload payload = new Payload();
ApnsService service = ApnsServiceManager.getService(appName);
service.sendNotification(token, payload);
3 错误处理
ErrorDispatcher.getInstance().addListener(new ErrorListener() {
public void handle(ErrorModel errorModel) {
log.info("收到监听:" + errorModel);