This is a small Commandline app to convert XLSX to PDF using Aspose. Aspose is not a free service. You can use it in Evaluation mode, but if you want to remove the Evaluation text, or use it in any commercial application, you will need to purchase a license. (
If you want to add a license, please add it into a file called aspose.lic
into the same path from where the app is running.
Requires .NET 8
ExcelToPdfConverter.exe path\to\input.xlsx path\to\output.pdf
dotnet build -c Release
dotnet publish -c Release -r win-x64 --self-contained false
In the folder LinxXLSXtoPDF there's a Linx 6.10 example of using Linx to populate an Excel Template with data, and then converting the XLSX file to PDF.