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Releases: linode/terraform-linode-k8s
Releases · linode/terraform-linode-k8s
This release includes many breaking changes.
- Add release drafter @phillc (#61)
- Update @phillc (#60)
- Restore linode token used from vars @phillc (#59)
- update kubeconfig script @Charliekenney23 (#58)
- add support for 1.16-1.19 @Charliekenney23 (#57)
- explicitly set leader-elect resource lock endpoints @Charliekenney23 (#56)
- migrate to ubuntu @Charliekenney23 (#55)
- Replace csi_version with csi_manifest @phillc (#54)
- Add Kubelet Flags for Volume Expansion Support @faem (#40)
- Merge for-cli branch changes into master @phillc (#53)
- Fix small typo on example/ @altmas5 (#52)
- bypass sshkeygen stdin @Charliekenney23 (#51)
- Add tffmt check on push @Charliekenney23 (#50)
v0.1.1 Release
- Update Kubernetes and crictl versions to v1.14.0 (#37)
- Update Linode CSI driver to v0.1.0
- Update terraform-provider-linode to 1.5.0
- container-linux-update-operate is included as an Addon (#17)
(reboot are disabled by default)- provides more details about the addons
- All output variables have descriptions (#33)
Refactored Sub-Modules [BREAKING CHANGES]
Breaking Changes
- master, node, and instance modules have been created, this is not
compatible with existing clusters. Backup etcd and any applications
before moving to this version.
- master and worker nodes are provisioned simultaneously
- master, node, and instance modules are reusable
- Use v1.13.2 Kubernetes version
- Use v1.13.0 Kubernetes
- Add a static manifest for the Dashboard (update dashboard to 1.10.1)
- Remove dependency on jq
- Use a Terraform data source to determine what the disk size of each Node should be
- Make sure ipvs kernel modules are loaded
- Ensure that we can connect to the relevant services before downloading from them
First Release
v0.0.1 creation was ending after 2m due to low connection timeout, bump to 300s