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lilacse edited this page Jun 25, 2023 · 2 revisions


fur requires Python 3.10 or higher to run. Make sure that it is available on your system before trying to run fur. Future work might be done to allow configuring for a specific Python version to be used through one way or another, but for now the launcher scripts simply look for a python3 executable on Linux, or run the py command on Windows.

On Linux, you also need xdg-open. fur likely doesn't work on WSL because of this, but if you can workaround it and make xdg-open a thing on your setup, then it should be fine. This dependency might be dropped in the future when fur becomes configurable and you can set a default browser to be used with fur manually, but for now, you need it.


  1. Clone the repository. You can also download a zip and extract it to a location you prefer, but cloning will allow easy updating via git pull after the initial setup.

After that,

On Windows

You should be able to directly call fur in any console after adding the cloned folder to path (tested in Command Prompt, PowerShell Core, Elvish, Git Bash). Not much additional setup to be done here.

On Linux

You can do it similarly as the instructions for Windows. Alternatively (and preferably), you can create a soft symlink of to a folder that is already in PATH, such as ~/.local/bin. You can directly name the symlink file as fur to skip creating an alias for it.

You might need to chmod +x the main file in the repository's folder and the symlink file for it to executable.

I would imagine that the steps for macOS are similar to the ones for Linux, but I don't have a Mac myself to try around. If you can contribute to this section, create an issue.

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