Bucky-core can run test code which is written in YAML. End-to-End test (working with Selenium) and Linkstatus test (HTTP status check) are supported in default. Page object model pattern and page based element management is the main concept in Bucky-core. You can create scenarios and execute it easily by using Bucky-core.
When working with Bucky-management, Bucky-core can also record test results. You can make test results visualization by using Bucky-management.
- Run tests in parallel
- Re-run tests which failed last time
- Support test code in YAML
- Multiple browser supported (currently only Chrome is supported)
- Customizable test categories
- [Default] E2E: E2E (End to End) tests
- [Default] Linkstatus: http status code check in web page
- Making test report with Bucky-management
Checkout Hands-on in example to get a quick start.
gem install bucky-core
- Use snake case for naming
# Make project directory
bucky new {your_project_name}
# Move into project directory
# It's the working directory when execute Bucky command
cd {your_project_name}
# Make service directory
bucky make service {your_service_name}
# Make page object(.rb) and part(.yml) in device directory
## PC
bucky make page {page_name} --service {your_service_name} --device pc
## Smart phone
bucky make page {page_name} --service {your_service_name} --device sp
## Tablet
bucky make page {page_name} --service {your_service_name} --device tablet
# Write your test code in following directory:
# services/{your_service_name}/{device}/scenarios/e2e/
# services/{your_service_name}/{device}/scenarios/linkstatus/
# Some samples are at bottom of Usage
vim services/first_serive/pc/scenarios/e2e/test_code.yml
export BUCKY_DB_USERNAME="{your database username}"
export BUCKY_DB_PASSWORD="{your database password}"
export BUCKY_DB_HOSTNAME="{your database hostname}"
export BUCKY_DB_NAME="{your database name}"
You can find some examples in here!
You should start Selenium Chrome driver first. And you can find how to start Selenium Chrome driver by Docker in SeleniumHQ/docker-selenium.
# Condition filter using option
bucky run --test_category e2e --device sp --priority high
bucky run --test_category e2e --case login
bucky run --test_category e2e -D tablet --priority high
bucky run --test_category e2e -D pc --label foo,bar,baz --priority high
# Run test in debug mode (It won't insert test result into DB)
bucky run -t e2e -d
# Use -r to run more times for flaky test
# It will only run tests that failed in last count
bucky run --test_category e2e --re_test_count 3
bucky run -t linkstatus -s bukken_detail -D pc -r 3
# Use environment variables in test
ENV_FOO=foo bucky run -t e2e -d
# Options:
-d, --debug # Won't insert test result into DB
-t, --test_category TEST_CATEGORY
-s, --suite_name SUITE_NAME
-S, --service SERVICE
-c, --case CASE_NAME
-D, --device DEVICE
-p, --priority PRIORITY
-r, --re_test_count RE_TEST_COUNT # How many round you run tests
-l, --label LABEL_NAME
-m, --link_check_max_times MAX_TIMES # Works only with which category is linkstatus
-o, --out JSON_OUTPUT_FILE_PATH # Output summary report by json
# Only work with saved test result
# Rerun from job id
bucky rerun -j 100
bucky rerun -j 100 -r 3
# Options:
-d, --debug # Won't insert test result into DB
-r, --re_test_count RE_TEST_COUNT # How many round you run tests
-j, --job_id JOB_ID
- You can use erb notation in test code
- Operation list
- Verification list
desc: suite description
device: pc
service: service_name
priority: high
test_category: e2e
labels: test_label_foo
setup_each: # These procedures will be executed before every case
- proc: login
operate: go
url: https://example.com/login
teardown_each: # These procedures will be executed after every case
- proc: login
operate: go
url: https://example.com/logout
- case_name: test_code_1 # Suite filename + number
func: inquire button
desc: case description
- test_label_bar
- test_label_baz
- proc: open page
operate: go
url: http://example.com/
- proc: open page
operate: go
url: <%= ENV['BASE_FQDN'] %>/results # Using erb notation to get environment variable
- proc: element click
operate: click
page: top
part: next_page
when: <%= ENV['STAGE'] == development %> # Executing this proc when this condition is true
- proc: one of elements click # Using xpaths
operate: click
page: next_page # This file is at services/service_name/pc/parts/next_page.yml
locate: many_links # many_links is a xpath that describe in services/service_name/pc/parts/next_page.yml
num: 0 # You can choose number of element when xpath have multiple elements
- proc: switch tab
operate: switch_next_window
- proc: select by drop down
operate: choose
page: input_page
part: age
text: 20
- proc: alert accept
operate: alert_accept
- exec:
operate: wait
sec: 2
- exec: # You can stop your test by using stop operator
operate: stop
- proc: check message
verify: assert_text
page: input_thanks
part: complete_message
expect: done
- proc: check message
verify: assert_contained_text
page: input_thanks
part: complete_message
expect: done
- Linkstatus will check every <a> tag's http response in url
desc: suite description
device: pc
service: service_name
priority: high
test_category: linkstatus
- https://example.com/fuga/?hoge=1 # PERFECT MATCHING
- https://example.com/fuga/* # PARTIAL MATCHING
- /https://example.com/.*\.html/ # REGULAR EXPRESSION MATCHING
- case_name: test_code_1 # Suite filename + number
desc: status check for top page
- https://example.com/
- https://www.example.com/
- case_name: test_code_2
desc: status check for detail page
- https://example.com/detail/1
- <%= ENV['BASE_FQDN'] %>/detail/2 # Using erb notation to get environment variable
Should always execute bucky run with -d option
git clone git@github.com:lifull-dev/bucky-core.git
cd bucky-core
# clone from some test code
git clone git@github.com:${sample_test_code_owner}/${sample_testcode}.git .sample
docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml up --build -d
docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml down
You should start bucky-management first.
git clone git@github.com:lifull-dev/bucky-core.git
cd bucky-core
git clone git@github.com:${sample_test_code_owner}/${sample_testcode}.git .sample
docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev-with-bm.yml up --build -d
docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev-with-bm.yml down