C++ chess engine written by a guy who doesn't know C++.
After a failed attempt in R (all I want is to stack allocate a uint64_t, is that too much to ask?), hence the old name.
- Bitboard board representation
- Parse FEN string
- Magic bitboard sliding piece pseudo-legal move generation
- Jumping piece pseudo-legal move generation
- Castling
- Check detection (legal move generation)
- Capture/check first move ordering
- Loud line generation
- Check evasion only
- Zobrist hashing
- Make/unmake move
- Material evaluation
- King safety
- Pawn structure
- Incremental update (store with state/search node)
- Id-dfs
- Alpha/beta pruning (fail soft/hard)
- Halfmove clock
- Quiescence search
- Endgame tablebase
- Opening book
- Support a standard (can't be bothered to build a frontend)